The countdown continues. Mine and Kevin's 2-year anniversary is in three days. Well, more like two-and-a-half. But whatever. The important thing is, I'll be seeing him Monday night, and hopefully all day, for that matter.
The thing is, he's away with his friend. They're going camping for the weekend, and I didn't get to talk to him last night. He just sent me a text message from his friend's phone saying he'd be with them for the weekend, and he'd see me Monday.
He left today, and I miss him already.
I have to go just two more days without talking to him AT ALL.
I don't have much to do tonight. My parents are at a Gala for my mom's school. They left at 6:00, and will probably be walking through the door any minute.
And since Kevin's away, Cassie's sick, and I haven't seen Mandy since February, I'm just here, at home, sitting on my bed, eating a PB&J, and talking to my long-lost pal, Kenneth.
Anyway, I got my bug back a few days ago. I've been trying to go driving almost every night, but every time I try, something comes up: the weather looks bad; it's too dark outside; American Idol is on. You know, whatever.
I hope I get to go shopping this weekend. I need to get some last-minute purchases bought.
Maybe I can tell Mom, and we can head out to Southlake.
Welp, I think it's getting pretty close to go to sleep.
I know I'm getting old, and I'm a loser because I'm staying home on a Friday night.
But whatever. I have nobody to go out with.
So, goodnight.
About Me

- Lindsay Laird
- Texas, United States
- I'm 22 years young. I have a boyfriend; his name is Kevin Mears. We've been together for five years, and counting. I have two best friends; their names are Cassie and Courtney. I work at Teach Mart in Keller. I'm going to North Central Texas College, and I want to transfer to UNT afterwards. I'm a complete nerd, and I love Harry Potter and the Twilight series. I own every book by Meg Cabot; she's my inspiration, and my hero. I want to be an author when I "grow up."
Friday, April 25, 2008
Three More Days.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Just My Luck, Really.
Yesterday morning, while my dad and I were on our way to work (in my cute little bug, I might add), I looked up, and there was something missing. I couldn't place it. And then I realized... my lilies were out of their vase by the steering wheel!!
"Dad. Where are my flowers?" I asked him.
"Uhh. I put them behind the seat."
I guess he got tired of people looking at him funny whenever he drove my car by himself.
But then, my dad stopped right in the middle of his sentence, and began to breathe heavily through his nose. I could tell something had randomly pissed him off, so I tried to be all soothing and went, "What's wrong?"
He looked at me, and then he looked at a place just above the steering wheel.
"Well, the 'check engine' light just came on again. Isn't that lovely?" he said.
Now, let me JUST SAY that I'm about tired of this. I mean, I'm sorry. I know it's not anybody's fault, bur SERIOUSLY? I feel sooo bad for my dad. Because he thought that this car would be SUCH a great deal. And then something was wrong with it, so it was fixed...for a whole two days. And then BAM, it's broken again :[
So my dad took it back to the dealership so they can try to fix it again, and in the meantime, they gave us ANOTHER Mazda 3. Before, they gave us a red one. This one's white. It smells like cigarette smoke that's a hundred and four years old. But hopefully, I can get some driving in before I get my bug back.
My poor bug :[
In other news: I had THE best day with Kevin on Sunday. I met him at Wal-Mart. I was already with my mom, and he had just gotten off of work, so he just came over.
My mom left :[ and I went shopping with Kevin. We got the DVD, Anchorman, since I hadn't seen it yet, and we watched it at his house. We went to Chili's for me to get something to eat, since I was STARVING!
But I mean, I had a FANTABULOUS time with him!!!
And last night, we got in a fight, and he has work at 4:00 today.
I woke up at 6:30 this morning, and rolled out of bed at 6:45. And crap, that is early for me to get up and out of bed!
But I slept HORRIBLY last night. Well, my necklace kept choking me, practically. But other than that, I had weird dreams. And then I kept waking up, afraid that they were true.
I hope we're going to be okay.
I don't want to cry anymore.
Today is not my day. At all. I have heartburn out the wahoo, and my stomach hurts. I have a humongo headache, and my legs hurt. I just want to go home! And it's only, what, 1:18!!!
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
Something Happen, Please.
I'm currently re-reading The Princess Diaries series, since a Meg Cabot book is pretty much the only thing that can make my day go by faster. I'm on the second one, where Mia's mom is pregnant with her (Mia's) Algebra teacher's baby. I just love how, in Meg's books, that something is going on all the time. I mean, duh, something has to be going on in order to write a book. But there's SO MANY things going on at once.
I totally wish something would happen to me. I know that pretty much my life is not a fictional character, and only I can make the things that I want to happen...happen.
I'm supposed to go over to my friend, Cassie's tonight, so I hope that works out. I miss my girl. And Mandy's out of town for the weekend! She's at the choir competition, on the way to Branson, Missouri as I ... type.
I miss her so much.
Kevin just called me. He woke up at 1:15, and is sick as a dog. Which is a saying I'll never understand.
I feel bad about it, despite all of the stupid fights we got into yesterday.
I mean most of them were totally my fault, but come on. I mean, we were at Chili's, and he wanted a different kind of dessert than I wanted, so I told him to get what he wanted, and he kept telling me that no, we would get what I want. So. Whatever.
And then his brother, Kyle, got in ANOTHER freaking wreck. That poor car! And his parents kept telling him not to drive at night, because its front headlight was bashed in, and broken. Plus, we kept smelling this nasty smell coming from the bottom of the car. So we didn't think it was safe. But Kevin had totally promised me he'd watch American Idol with me last night with my mom. We thought it started at 8:00, but my dad called me and had looked it up online! It started at 7:00!
We got home at 7:30, and Kevin started telling me goodbye! I freaking LOST IT.
So we watched the last 30 minutes of American Idol with my parents, and then we played two hours of Wii.
It turned out to be a good night, but still. It wasn't the best day.
Oh well, today's Friday. But I don't know when the next time I'll see him will be.
Anyway. I'm going to, or something. I still have two and a half hours at work. I'm so BORED!
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 2:19 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
VW Bug, Come Home Please.
So after listening to my dad scream at a bazillion people on the phone this morning after getting something in the mail, he came to the back room, where I was innocently reading my Princess Diaries book, and ate some yogurt.
I was writing down old text messages, since Dad was hogging the computer, and I couldn't e-mail them to myself. I had over 800 text messages in my inbox, but I wrote down all of the cute ones, and deleted my whole inbox, except for the pictures. But my dad was all, "Why can't you just delete them?" And making fun of me.
But okay. He totally freaks me out when he screams at people. I mean, it's not cool when he's mad at me, but oh my lord, if he gets mad, BACK THE CRAP UP.
So he came to the back room, all, "Why did you get scared?" Because Mom had called him twice, and he wouldn't pick up since he was too busy screaming at somebody else. So Mom called me instead and asked where we were. I told her about Dad losing it up front, and got off the phone with her. When Dad finally finished with the screaming, he called Mom, and she apparently told him that I was staying far, far away as possible from him.
So Dad kept asking me, "Why were you scared?" and "What did I do?"
And then he got this devilish grin on his face, and I knew something was up. Because, um, Dad with a devilish grin? Kind of scary.
He went, "So Doyle" (the car guy) "just called and guess what? Your car is ready to go! I'll leave in a little bit to go pick it up."
So, he's gone right now (I'm alone at The School Zone, yet again) getting MY CAR!!!
I'll post pictures soon.
And I'll tell you about the rest of my day...tomorrow!
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 1:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Always and Forever.
Kevin and I planned for yesterday to see each other. I hadn’t seen him since Friday, and I was already missing him. When I had seen him on Friday, we had come to an...agreement.So yesterday (was our two-day belated "anniversary) I went to work, and Kevin was to pick me up at around 4:30.When he came in the store, though, I had a customer, and Dad wasn’t there. So I couldn’t just...leave. Kevin and I chatted for a while, and I helped my customer, and then Dad finally showed up.He looked at Kevin and asked him what the plans were. The plans had already changed from what they were before (go to Kevin’s house, watch a movie) to go pick up Kyle from home, drop Kyle off at Chili’s because he had an interview, go pick up Mom from her work in Coppell, go home. My dad wasn’t too thrilled with us driving all over tarnation. But Kevin gave him the death look, and he came around and said, "Get out of here before I change my mind."So, we left.
We went to his house to pick up Kyle, and his interview was at 5:00, and we had to pick up Mom before 6:00. So, Kevin called the manager of Chili’s and rescheduled his interview for tonight. Kyle left by himself to go pick up Mom, and Kevin and I had the house to ourselves...for about an hour.And then his Uncle Scott came over.
He left, and Kevin and I were waiting for Kyle to come home so we could take the car to go eat at Chili’s. Kev pulled out his laptop, and we sat on the couch in the living room watching episodes of South Park. I swear I lost about a billion brain cells...each episode. Kevin had promised Kyle he would pay for him for supper, but when Kyle got home. he said he didn’t want to come with us.
So, Kevin and I got in the car, and he goes, "Let’s go to Southlake!" Oh my God, it was AMAZING! We got there and walked around; the sun was just setting, and the breeze felt so good. We started to shop; he wanted to go to Verizon, but it was closed. I looked in Aeropostale for a few minutes, and then we went to Buckle. He bought a belt, a belt buckle, and said he’d buy me something too. I found the CUTEST shirt ever. I tried it on while he was talking to his friend, but I didn’t like it much. Why are clothes always cuter on the manniquen? Anyway, Kevin said he liked the way it looked on me, and it was only twenty-eight bucks! So he bought it for me. I’m wearing it to work today.
So afterwards, we got hungry, and went to Snuffers to eat. The sign on the door said, "You must be 18 or with a guardian to enter after 9:00pm." So we walked in, and, never being there before, didn’t know whether to seat ourselves, or wait to be seated. Finally, a guy came from the back and told us to sit wherever we like. Kevin asked if it was okay for us to sit outside--which, SHOCKER!--and he said sure. We walked outside, and he started to walk to the very back, away from everybody else. We sat in this huge booth, and the night just felt so wonderful.He ordered cheddar fries for an appetizer!! It was delicious! I got a fajita chicken wrap and he got a bacon cheeseburger...without the bacon. Ha ha ha.It didn’t agree with him much, though, and he got a to-go box for it, and my left overs too.
I really didn’t want to go home, but it was about 10:00, and I knew that Dad wouldn’t be too happy if I just strolled in at 2:00 in the morning.
I love Kevin, and the spontaneousity of him last night. I love doing random things with him everyday, and can’t wait to do it again.
Except...he works ALL FREAKING DAY today, and I can’t see him.
My dad’s away at a Ranger’s game with Tommy. Lucky. So I’m all alone.Hmm, motivation for today?Oh!!! Wait! AMERICAN IDOL COMES ON TONIGHT!!
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 11:44 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
You Still Give Me Butterflies.
Last night was about the most fun I’ve had in a long time. Kevin and I had plans to see each other, since we hadn’t since...okay, the night before. But whatever!
So, the night before, I got in a fight with Kevin. Okay, so it wasn’t so much a fight as it was an...argument? He was supposed to come to my house at 2:00, but was with his friend, and had no way of picking me up. So we decided on 4:00. But then my dad just left me at The School Zone. So Kevin couldn’t exactly just pick me up so I could leave the door unlocked. So...that was a no-go. He sent me a text message later saying that we needed to talk. And the weird thing is, I didn’t even flip out. Because, um, "We Need To Talk." ?!? So not what any girl wants to hear. But Kevin and I have this understanding between each other. We just...know. Know that no matter how mad the other person gets, we won’t break up. So, I like that.But, he came to my house at around 9:00, and rang the doorbell. You could totally see my dad’s head begin to explode. KEVIN! AT MY HOUSE!! AT THIS LATE HOUR??!! So, I answered the door, and yeah, it was Kevin. I grabbed a sweater and slipped on some socks, because crap, it was cold outside! And that’s the only quiet place we could "talk". We talked for two hours, at least. We talked about our future, and how we need to get a move on.We talked about growing up.We talked about moving out of our houses, and hopefully one day (one day soon) we can move in together.But first, we need to get our feet planted firmly on the ground. We need to know who we are first. And uh, I need to learn how to freaking drive!And then, as the night grew darker, and colder still, Kevin insisted on sitting in the car to um, "warm his nipples."So we sat in his car, parked outside of my house, for a while. We talked about smoking.It was a dumb thing to talk about if you ask me. But I’m sorry. I’m deathly allergic to smoke. If you want to be with me, you just can’t smoke. I’m sorry.When that was over, we um, made up.
So, last night, Kevin came over. Well, okay. My mom stayed for work at The School Zone so Dad and I could prepare supper. We were having beef and turkey burgers. Because I’m trying to be healthy. Psh. Okay.We ran into a dilemma, as we always do. Kevin didn’t have the car (he had gotten dropped off at work) and needed a ride to our house. So, when the shop closed at 6:00, Mom went over to Wal-Mart (where Kevin was at the time), picked him up, and took him to our house.We ate burgers, and watched Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? for an hour, and then proceeded on to watching CSI.Because CSI=LOVE. Or otherwise, TOTALLY FREAKING AWESOME.And then at around 9:00 (when CSI ended), we pulled out the Wii remotes, and started to play Bowling. My mom had gone down the hall, so Kevin made a Mii, and then Dad, Kevin, and I played three rounds. I whooped their butts twice, but Dad won the third game, and Kevin beat me by ONE FREAKING POINT!! Or, pin. Hey, whatevs. So I can’t get the Bowling Lingo that my dad so profusely uses. So what?
At 10:00, my dad was ready to kick Kevin out of the house. Which I totally don’t get. He could just go down the hall and Kevin could spend the night, for all I care. But...I guess since Dad had to take Kevin home, he had the right to say "when".As soon as Dad had said, "Time to go home," though, Kevin’s brother, Kyle, called him, and informed him (Kev) that he (Kyle) was outside of my house waiting!! Kyle was there to pick him up! Awwe how sweet!Well, my dad was happy, at least!So Kevin and I went outside to say our good-bye’s. He had this ginormous smile on his face, and I could so tell that he’d had a great night.It’s so ... funny how he still, to this DAY, gives me butterflies!! But you know what? Last night was so much fun.I can’t wait to have a million more perfect days with him.
Welp, goodnight!
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 9:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Makes a Difference.
Last night, we stayed up until 10:30 playing our new Wii. We played 2 and a half hours of straight bowling; I lost four times (and we only played four times. How pathetic is that?)
So I went to bed, and I couldn’t fall asleep, so I got online, and talked to Mandy until Shane called her. I love my best friend. I really do.But my whole body just...hurt. Maybe I’m just getting old. I finally fell asleep around 11:30, and slept like a freaking log for an hour, when Kevin called me at 12:30, and my phone didn’t wake me up until a few minutes later. So I didn’t get to talk to him. :(And then I fell back asleep, and slept SO HARD until 8:30. But right before I woke up, I had a horrific dream!
See, in my dream, it was mine and Kevin’s two-year anniversary (which is in 26 days!!) and I was waiting for him to pick me up, but in the meantime, I was at Southlake Town myself. I was walking around, all excited, because, um, TWO YEARS and then I had to cross the street. Like, I had to cross one, turn, and then another. Make sense? So, I crossed one fine, and then I started to cross the other one, but all of these humongous semis were driving by. They had to do this fancy-shmancy stuff with their truck to turn, and most of them made it. But I was getting frustrated because I just had to cross the street! And there were a million semis! So I couldn’t! And then I watched a guy try to turn his big-ol’ truck, and he lost control! He skidded on the street, and then flipped on his side. And then another semi behind him couldn’t slow down, or move over because the other guy was blocking the whole street now, so he smashed into him, and rolled over! And the thing is, there was a police at the end of the street, like he was WAITING for it to happen. The last thing I remember was the paramedics came and I had to jump a fence to see what was going on, and I left for a minute, and when I came back, they were carrying TWO caskets!!!
And then I woke up.So I was FREAKING out. Because I thought somebody had died, or something, in a car crash last night. I knew Mandy was safe at home, but Kevin was supposed to have a late night. He was going to some band gig thing, and then he was going to a friends’ house to play mindless hours of video games. But I hadn’t heard from him since...12:30. So I thought something had happened to him.But I let it go.So...I heard from him (thank GOD!) at around 1:00 this afternoon, and he was with a friend, going to eat lunch.So, it’s not him.But now I’m starting to think it’s God’s way of warning me that I’m going to get in a fight, or something, with somebody. You know, "Clash"?
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 1:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Oh, Once Upon a Time.
The weekend before last, my dad went to my Uncle Tommy’s house. Tom has a Wii, and the whole family played games all night. Except for Mom and me. I was sick; Mom had school work to do.But anyway, my dad has become obsessed with the Wii system. He’s been to Wal-mart, to Target, to Best Buy, to Circuit City. And today, just on a whim, he went to, and called them. He was told that they did indeed have one left. And I say "did" because my dad BOUGHT their last Wii!!!So, now we have a Wii at the house.He’s currently at home setting it up, and stuff.
Since I’ve been left alone, I’ve been reading through all of my previous blogs. And holey toledo, batman. I went through SO MUCH CRAP through my senior year. Between TAKS and Pre-Cal, I’m impressed with myself that I’m still ... ALIVE.
But, you know, at least I had Kevin there to back me up in everything. I miss that, though. If I had a bad day, or whatever, I always knew that I would see Kevin at the end of the day, and the next morning in the library before school.
I miss Kevin leaving me comments, telling me how much he loves me. Yeah. I know he does. But it would be nice to be randomly told that every now and then. Or ... everyday.
I miss my best friend. Not to sound all sappy, but I miss her so much, it hurts. I miss it when one of us had a bad day, and the other was there in an instant. Shoot, if I had a license, I’d ring her doorbell every single day at 5:00. :D
But, I love Kevin more than anything in the world.I hope he knows that.
Later, kids.
**Edit**I’ve had a HORRIBLE day today. I have seen three customers, and TWO have spent money.I want to go home...NOW.
AND I don’t know where Kevin is. I’m starting to worry. He should be off of work by now. I just hope that’s where he is...
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 3:45 PM 0 comments