So sorry I haven't written in a while…I've been super busy, and am just now getting around to it.
So here's what my week had entailed:
Sunday: Kevin got off of his lunch shift and came by my house to pick me up so we could spend the day together, since I'd been gone to North Carolina the week before, and he missed me. All at once now: "Awwwwwe." Okay. We went to his house, Wal-Mart, and then ate supper at Chili's…of course. And my best friend from 6th grade (Miss Ashley Page) works there now, so I talked to her a lot, and got to see her for the first time in a few years. My parents had told me to be home at 9:00 that night, but I didn't get home until…10:30? Yeah so I got in trouble for that one.
Monday: My parents left to go to my grandmother's birthday party, but I didn't go. Instead, Ashley and I had our Girls' Night Out :]]]] I felt pretty bad about skipping out on the party…but I get to see her on Saturday anyway… But Ashley picked me up at my house at 6:00, and we went to Chili's to eat. Yes, yes. AGAIN. We went to Southlake Town Square and went to Claire's. I bought a few things (an anklet for my mom and the finishing up of a birthday present) but Ashley went CRAZY with the clearance stuff. It was funny. Afterwards, we went to Harkins and we saw The Strangers. Yeah. SO not scary at all. More like Dumbest Movie Ever To Be Made In The History Of Movies. We were in this itty bitty theater with maybe 20 other people, and when a part happened in a movie where it was supposed to be scary, but turned out more awkward than anything…everybody just started giggling, or yelling out remarks to the screen. It was hilarious. After the movie, we drove home, and by that time, it was 10:30…but I'd told my parents that's what time I'd be home that night…so we were good. On the way home, we turned up the radio, and jammed to Evanescense and Lifehouse. We sang at the top of our lungs. Ohhh I missed that girl!! I can't wait to see her again :]
Tuesday: I had Jeremy and Courtney over for a double-date with Kevin and I. There was a misunderstanding of where Jeremy lived, so I couldn't go over to his house. :] Thanks, Kev. So they came over and we all ate as soon as Kevin got to the house at 7:30. We went swimming afterwards, and just talked for a long time until it got dark. We played the bean-bag game that's so popular with my family, and then we went inside the house and played a game of Wii Bowling. We talked for a little bit longer, and then Courtney and Jeremy just…left. It was kind of abrupt and, well, random. But whatever. I had a fun time with them anyway. Kevin and I sat on the couch after they left, and the day finally caught up to me; I was SO TIRED just sitting there. Kevin had work the next morning, so he needed to get home soon. He promised we'd see each other again before I leave on Saturday for Colorado. So he left not long after that, our goodbye lasting a wonderful hour and a half.
Wednesday and Thursday: I had a doctor's appointment these days, and I was scared half to death that they'd have to draw 14 tubes of blood. But to my surprise, it was just a consultation; the doctor just wanted to talk to see how I was doing, and what we needed to do to get me to feel better. He told me that since my medication isn't working, it may not be acid reflux after all, and something completely different. So I was scheduled for the next day to come back for another appointment. I couldn't eat or drink anything after midnight on Thursday, and my appointment wasn't until 1:00. So I about DIED. Thursday morning, I couldn't take a pill, I couldn't eat breakfast, or lunch, and it was miserable. My parents didn't wake me up in time to go to work, so I slept in until 10:00 and got ready to go to The School Zone. When we arrived, Dad and I left to go to the doctor, but the nurse couldn't see me until 1:30…so Dad and I watched The Tyra Banks Show until she called me back. I got an ultrasound on my stomach (to check my gallbladder, spleen, and kidney, I think) and it took about 20 minutes for the whole thing. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep about 50 times, her massaging my stomach like that for so long. Except that she told me to hold my breath, so that would wake me up. When we were finished, Dad and I left and we went to Chick-Fil-A so I could eat finally! We both got something to eat, and then Mom wanted something as well. We took the food back to the store and ate in the back room. After we were finished eating, Mom took me home and I rested for a little bit, just reading and talking to people online. I was so exhausted from stressing out, I guess. And Kevin was there for me through everything, telling me everything would be okay, and my results would come back normal, and they couldn't find anything wrong with me. So it was good for him to be positive, at least.
Friday: Today was my parents' 22-year anniversary, so they dropped me off at The School Zone this morning, and left to go shopping and eat lunch. I stayed at the store, all alone for a few hours. They finally came back at around 1:00, but then left again to go to Cabela's. They came back by 2:15, and I called Kevin to see what he was up to. No joke, he'd just turned on his phone. So basically, we're made for each other. Lol. Kevin and I were supposed to go to Grapevine Mills and meet up with his dad and brothers, so Kevin picked me up at 2:30 and we went back to his house to meet up with everyone, but nobody was at the house! So we left, and went to Mills anyway, but never met up with anybody. We walked around the mall a few times, going into different places, buying a few things here and there. And then we went to Chili's Too for supper (I paid) and now I have major heartburn. Kevin was amazing today, just never wanting to let go of my hand, and if he absolutely had to let go, he'd put his arm around me as soon as he could. He kept his promise that I'd get to see him again. On the way home, he let me jam out to country music, and we sang together :] We also did the chicken dance "to the wrong song." Oh, I love this boy :] I just wish I got to have a longer goodbye with him than the two seconds I got.After Kevin left, my parents and I went to my Uncle Dave's house to eat…I ate mashed potatoes and that's all. We got home at around 9:30, and got finished packing for tomorrow.
I'm sure there's more things that I did this week, I just can't remember them right now. If I do remember them, I will post more on this blog when I get back from Colorado, which is where I'm going tomorrow morning at 5:00. :-/ ugh. We'll be back on Saturday, July 5th, so I'll see you/talk to you then.
In the meantime, leave comments, and I'll get back to you when I get back :]
About Me

- Lindsay Laird
- Texas, United States
- I'm 22 years young. I have a boyfriend; his name is Kevin Mears. We've been together for five years, and counting. I have two best friends; their names are Cassie and Courtney. I work at Teach Mart in Keller. I'm going to North Central Texas College, and I want to transfer to UNT afterwards. I'm a complete nerd, and I love Harry Potter and the Twilight series. I own every book by Meg Cabot; she's my inspiration, and my hero. I want to be an author when I "grow up."
Saturday, June 28, 2008
You're The Reason.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 4:49 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Just a Dream
I had a dream about you.
I dreamed that you were talking to me
and that we were laughing together.
I dreamed that you told me secrets.
Secrets that you could only tell me.
Last night I woke up crying.
Crying because I know that's what we used to have.
It's what I wish we still were.
And what I know we'll never be again.
This morning, I realized something.
I realized it was just a dream.
I realized that it's been a few months now,
and I'm finally getting over you.
I'm finally getting over crying so much.
I hope that your life turns out exactly how you want it to be.
I hope you're happy.
Happy without me.
But most of all,
I hope you'll miss me one dayas much as I missed you.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Behind The Scenes
I stayed up mostly all night thinking about this:
Somehow, staying by myself on vacation in an unfamiliar place sort of makes me creative. Plus, maybe it has something to do with all of the books I'm reading lately. In any sense, I'm pretty sure I've come up with a second (maybe even third) chapter for my book "Behind the Scenes" since I can't find the ones I wrote a long time ago.
The story line is like this:
The main character lost her husband years ago, and the first chapter was a dream she had that she finds out to be very real. She starts to investigate herself, being a former detective.
At the beginning, when she's dreaming, she is in a tent in the woods camping- this being a ritual for her and her husband on their anniversary. And since it's her 21st anniversary, and he passed away, she decided to continue on with it. In her dream she's having, a man walks into the tent and threatens her. She wakes up, screaming bloody murder, and realizes it's the guy who was chasing the girl at the beginning.
But it's taken a year for her to realize it. Every time the police ask her why she was in the woods alone (they still accuse her of killing the young woman) she cannot remember, and has had to stay in prison for the past year. But now she's finally starting to remember everything. She's forgotten because she doesn't really want to think about why she was in the woods alone...without her husband.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
I Don't Have to Think.
Last night was double-date night. Well, sort of.
Courtney and I had planned to go out, eat at The Great Wall by Chili's, watch Don't Mess With The Zohan, and walk around Wal-Mart. But then I got a text message from her saying that Jeremy didn't get paid until 7:30 last night, and she was out shopping with her mom, so she couldn't meet up with us to eat.
So Kevin and I left from The School Zone at 5:00 and went to The Great Wall by ourselves. As always, it was delicious. I paid for supper, and Kevin got red sauce on the white part of his green-and-white striped shirt. No shocker there. We had to go back to his house so he could change because I wanted to go to Wal-Mart and he was too embarrassed to go anywhere else with a big red spot on his shirt.
We went ALL the way back to his house and he changed shirts, and then we just hung out there for a while. And then we went ALL the way back to Wal-Mart so I could get a Father's Day card for my dad.We also got a snack for the movie (Toblerone-I've never tried this, but Meg Cabot mentions in a few times in some of her books, so I knew what it was. And it was delicious!)
We drove out to the theater and got there by 7:30. We bought our tickets and sat through the previews. Courtney and I were texting back and forth because they weren't there yet, and she asked us to wave so she could see us in the theater. And no joke, they got there right as the movie was starting.
My Opinion: Don't Mess With the Zohan was the STUPIDEST movie ever. Sorry. Throughout the movie, Courtney and I kept exchanging looks like, "What the crap is this?"
After the movie, we went outside and stood around Kevin's car. We talked for about 30 minutes. We made fun of each other and just laughed about everything. And I'll say it again: I swear Kevin and Jeremy were separated at birth. No lie.
On the drive home, Kevin let me choose the radio station we listened to. It was so sweet. He hasn't done that since our two-year anniversary 2 months ago. So that right there pretty much made my day so much better. We listened to country-of course- and then a little bit to 106.1 and I sang along to "Bleeding Love" by Leona Lewis. And then we pulled up to my house.
I was sad that the evening was over.Despite our argument the other day, I enjoy our time together.
I love him<3
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Perfect Day...Almost.
So I had a good day today. My mom woke me up by sending me a text message ... at 12:20. She and Dad had gone to Target, Cotton Patch, and Kohl's. They got home at around 1:00, and they started showing me everything that they bought. They bought Kevin a shirt that has a guitar on it and says "America" and bought me a matching shirt with a guitar that says "Girls Rock" and a bag that has the Eiffel Tower on it and says "Paris" It's SO CUTE.
So later I went over to Kevin's, and gave him his shirt. He loved it, and put it on immediately. We laid on his bed and chatted for a while, and we worked on our scrapbook that we are making together from the past two years and then on into the future. Both of our stomachs started to grumble, so we got up and went to Chili's. We both got fajitas, and then we got a white chocolate molten cake. It was pretty dang good. And my new favorite thing? Blackberry lemonade. YUM.
We went back to his house, and went upstairs. We fell asleep together, and my dad called me at around 9:00, telling me to get home, and asked where I was. When I told him I had fallen asleep, he told me that he'd see me soon. So Kevin asked his mom for the keys to her car, since he still can't drive his car at night, on account of the busted headlight, and she drove me home herself, with Kevin tagging along.
Kevin walked me to the front door, gave me a kiss, looked me deeply in my eyes, and told me how very sorry he was for his behavior earlier in the day. Which made my day even better. I don't know; it was cute. I was all happy and smiling...
Then I got yelled at by my dad :-/
Comment me?
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 10:16 PM 0 comments