Today is mine and Kevin's "two-year" anniversary. :]
It wasn't the best day..but it wasn't horrible, either.
He kept telling me that he would try to make it as special as possible, make me lunch at his house, watch movies all day...until 5:30 because he has school at 6:00 every Tuesday and Thursday.
So I woke up this morning in high hopes, put my best dress on, in a sense, and got to work really happy, Kevin's present tucked deep down in my purse.
Well, I got a phone call from Kevin at around 11:00. He told me that his dad needed to take his car, so he was car-less for the day. He did everything he could to get to me, though. He went across the street and asked his friend if he could borrow his car for a mere FIVE MINUTES. But no. No, his friend had to go somewhere.
So, I cried. I completely bit my tongue, though. I didn't say anything I shouldn't have. I was just...SO MAD. I mean, today was supposed to be perfect. Today was just so important to me. But I guess it was my fault for thinking that something could actually work out for a change.
He told me he was sorry about a million times. He told me he had gotten out stuff to make burgers and make home-made macaroni (my favorite food EVER). Which, by the way, was supposed to be a surprise.
Kevin called me again at around 3:45. His dad had just gotten home and he wanted to know if I still wanted to come over. I sighed at the thought of only getting to see him for an hour...but it was better than nothing. So I told him to be at The School Zone as soon as he could. He got there at around 4:00, and I (supposedly) told my dad I would be back by 5:00. Well...Kevin made just normal macaroni, and we watched South Park and laughed at how retarded it was (well, I did) and talked to Kyle. I gave him his present (a ring I ordered that's black and has a silver tribal engravement's really cool) and he absolutely LOVED it. So that made me really happy! We talked for a while, and I guess just lost track of time. Because the next time we looked at the was 5:30. At around that time, my dad called me and asked where I was in his I'm-mad-but-I'm-trying-to-stay-calm voice.
So Kevin dropped me back off at work, and he zoomed off to school.
I had a fun time with him. Too bad things didn't work out the way I wanted them to. was still good to see him on our anniversary.
About Me

- Lindsay Laird
- Texas, United States
- I'm 22 years young. I have a boyfriend; his name is Kevin Mears. We've been together for five years, and counting. I have two best friends; their names are Cassie and Courtney. I work at Teach Mart in Keller. I'm going to North Central Texas College, and I want to transfer to UNT afterwards. I'm a complete nerd, and I love Harry Potter and the Twilight series. I own every book by Meg Cabot; she's my inspiration, and my hero. I want to be an author when I "grow up."
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Happy Two Years :]
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 6:29 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
That's Crazy, Man.
I'm just...I'm so freaking tired.
I took a math test yesterday morning at 9. And I pretty much, um, failed it. I'm going to die because of this class. Either because my head hurts so much from staring at jumbled up letters and numbers that my brain fries...or my dad kills me because I fail this class. You know. Whatever.
But then my mom came and picked me up from the school at around 10:30. We went shopping at the mall, and then went to Wal-Mart :] I bought some hair dye (dark brown) and colored my hair last night! It turned out SO MUCH better than it did the last time I tried to dye my hair brown. Which...mostly ended up on my dad's rug in his bathroom instead of my hair :-/
I had a great time with my mom. Even though I do drive her crazy. Ha-ha.
We were supposed to go shopping again today. But...we didn't. :[
I have tons of homework, and apparently, so does she.
I have a history test on Tuesday, that's hopefully in the evening. (Yeah, yeah. It's in two days and I don't know what time the test is. Shut-up.) But I'd really love to spend some time with Kevin on that day, it being our anniversary, and all. Plus, I bought him a present :] that I hope he likes!!!!
Anyway, I better get back to my study guide for my test on Tuesday so I don't fail TWO tests.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Update :]
I talked to Kevin earlier, and though he's halfway asleep from all of his medicine (I got him sick), he did remember our anniversary. He said he wouldn't know if he would have enough money to take me out, but maybe we could just hang out on the actual day...and then we could celebrate it on a later date when we have enough money to go out and do something.
So yay! I'm excited! And SO HAPPY that he remembered :]
I'm shopping for him, too. Nothing too big...but I hope he likes it anyway.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 7:20 PM 0 comments
Fact or Fable?
This morning, I woke up at 11:30. Which, by the way, is late for me! I went down the hall, and just walked around the kitchen, my mom being on the phone with my dad. They talked for a few more minutes and then my mom hung up the phone.
"Well, well, it's about time you woke up!" she said to me.
I mean, I'm sorry I woke up a little late so I couldn't help Dad out at work today, but come on! I took Nyquil last night before I went to sleep, so I'm going to be a little tired.'s nap weather out the wahoo today :]
Anyway, I have a few things that I need to do for school:
I have to write a paper for English.
I have to study for my history and math exams coming up.
And I have to finish my math homework :[
For the English paper, I have to copy and paste (pretty much) a fable- a long fable- and then put the moral to the story in my own words, and then I have to conclude it with an analogy. So I have to compare the fable that I choose to an experience that could happen in real life. I mean, that's what I'm getting out of it, anyway.
So I think later...I'm going to pop open Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire since that's my FAVORITE book, and then afterwards, possibly take a nap.
Oh, why not do that now? The paper's not due til tomorrow! And my exams aren't until NEXT week. So, you know, whatever.
I think something is bothering me, though. Like, that in a week I have to take (and probably fail) an Algebra test. Or maybe it's that this next Tuesday (not as in in the next three days...but a week from this Tuesday) is mine and Kevin's "anniversary" and I don't know if he'll even try to do anything for it, let alone remember it. Plus, well, he has evening classes every Tuesday and Thursday. And my history exam is on that day. But still...we could squeeze in a lunch date, right? Oh, I don't know. I'm just...scared it doesn't matter to him anymore. Like so many other things.
I did have a dream about him last night.
We were in high school still, and it was supposed to be pouring down rain. And I was scared that I was going to be soaked the second I stepped outside. Kevin, seeming to read my mind, went to an old teacher's classroom (Mr. Palermo) and tried to open the door. But the teacher came out to the hallway and said that his classroom was closed. But Kevin stuck a 10 dollar bill in the crack of the door, and then got the teacher's huge umbrella that could cover 4+ people out of his classroom somehow. He opened it up, and we walked proudly down the hallway as people pointed and laughed at us. I thought it was the sweetest thing ever, though, and didn't care what other people were saying. By the time we got outside, it was pouring down rain. Kevin told me to stay where I was while he got his car because he was taking me home. So I stood on the sidewalk, and he ran out into the rain.
I don't know. I thought it was a cute dream. How he was doing everything for me that he could think of.
Well, I better get started on this paper.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 12:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Algebra Blues.
Yep I have them. Everyone gets them, it seems. But I have them BAD. I don't know if I'll be able to pass the upcoming test, let alone this class! Oh well, at least I still have my friends, right?
Anyway, I'm still sick at home. Oh yeah, I've been sick at home since Tuesday. TUESDAY. That's what, FOUR DAYS? And yes, I just counted on my fingers how many days that was. Your point is? For these four days, I have barely been able to talk or really do anything for that matter. Today though, I feel much better! Well, better than I did a couple of days ago. My stomach is killing me!! I don't know why. There I was just watching my favorite channel: The Discovery Health Channel, when all of a sudden, my stomach started grumbling. I thought it was because I was hungry, but no! No, I got up, my dog, Maggie, running to my side like she knew what was going to happen, and I practically fell over! What was wrong with me? Why, I have no idea. I think I just have some dizziness from not eating lunch. Because guess what? I was doing my Algebra homework from 11:00 this morning to 2:00 this afternoon. lunch for me!
So now I'm trying to be creative and come up with some way to pass algebra and, well, get a book published in the near future. But I'm coming up blank. I think I need some help :[
ps- Does anybody have any good websites for layouts for blogger?
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 4:27 PM 0 comments