So my life has been pretty wacko this past week.
Let me start from the beginning.
Saturday afternoon was my relax day. I didn't have any homework, and Mom was cleaning the house. She told me to start cleaning my room and start to get rid of the things that I don't want anymore because I want to re-do my room. So I started to move stuff around by my bed, and I picked up a pillow ... and the nastiest smell hit me.
I began to dig more and found that my quilt, which was on the floor, was soaking wet! I yelled for my mom, and we started to throw things away and move more stuff around. Come to find out, my whole floor underneath my window and my dresser was soaked.
I left that evening to go to Kevin's house, and while I was gone, my parents basically threw everything out of my room. The next day, I didn't have carpet in my room.
We later found out that the sprinklers in our front yard have been going off in the morning and just spraying the wall outside my room. The bricks finally just let go, and the water slowly seeped into my room.
Since Sunday night, I've been sleeping down in the den, whether it be on the couch, or on the fancy-shmancy blow up bed we have.
I miss my room more than I can say. I am VERY excited for this to be finished, over, finito. I can't wait to have a "big girl" room. And I'm so thankful to have family that would go through all of this trouble just so I can have a bedroom....the way that I want it.
In other news...things are definitely looking up.
Last night, I got a text message from a person I haven't talked to in quite a few months.
I miss her more than words can say, and basically cried myself to sleep the other night because of how much I miss her. She told me she wants to be friends again because she can't imagine ever having a friend like me again.
I hope we can be friends again, like we were before, and maybe better.
About Me

- Lindsay Laird
- Texas, United States
- I'm 22 years young. I have a boyfriend; his name is Kevin Mears. We've been together for five years, and counting. I have two best friends; their names are Cassie and Courtney. I work at Teach Mart in Keller. I'm going to North Central Texas College, and I want to transfer to UNT afterwards. I'm a complete nerd, and I love Harry Potter and the Twilight series. I own every book by Meg Cabot; she's my inspiration, and my hero. I want to be an author when I "grow up."
Friday, October 17, 2008
What's New
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
R.L. Stine.
When I was younger, my favorite author of all time was R.L. Stine. I loved the fact that I could read a book late at night, before I went to sleep, and it would give me nightmares. I began to collect every single one of Stine's books, and fell in love with his writing; his stories. The only thing that really upset me, though, was that his books always had a happy ending. Which really, is horrible to say. But come on! If you're going to write a scary story, at least kill someone off at the end. Jeez. I mean, I kind of understand why his books had to have happy endings, him being a children's author after all.
But still.
So right now, I'm reading Halloween Night by R.L. Stine. I started reading it this morning, and I'm almost finished with it. Maybe it's because it's almost Halloween and I'm really excited. Maybe I'm just reminscing. I've been doing that quite a bit lately.
But now, when you go to a bookstore, you can see a whole display of Stine's old and new books. And can I just say, the new Stine books look like the dumbest thing in the world. I guess I should really keep my mouth shut until I actually read any of these books...but they don't look anywhere near as good as the classics.
Like the babysitter stories, when the call is coming from INside the house.
Or the Night of the Living Dummy.
Or Goosebumps!
But what is this crap about Horrorland? It looks like an amusement park that comes alive. I don't get it.
I'd be scared if I was babysitting, and a murderer was in the house.
Or my doll came to life.
But seriously? A roller coaster chasing you.
I really just pulled that out of my butt; I don't know what these Horrorland books are about.
I guess what I'm trying to say is...when I become a famous writer, because I know I will...eventually...I don't want to be famous for, say, five years, and then I lose my touch. Or people stop reading my books and stop looking up to me.
Because that's totally my goal: I want people to look up to me, and say to themselves, "Wow! She's a great writer! I want to be like her one day!" Kind of like I am with Meg Cabot. :D
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 2:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
This past weekend was pretty much amazing.
My friend, Courtney, is away at college about 45 minutes away, and is NEVER home. She kept telling me every weekend that we needed to get together, but she could never pull away from her friends there. Then, Friday afternoon, she came home! I was bored at work all day Friday, and desperately needed her.
So we decided that I'd spend the night at her house that night. She picked me up at around 5:30, and we went to Wal-Mart so she could shop for one of her friends. Then, we went back to her house. We mostly hung out with her parents, watching movies, eating pizza. I fell asleep during a movie we were watching on TV. I woke up when there was only about ten minutes left of the movie, and so I watched it. When it was over, Courtney wanted to go into the office, and play on the computer. We looked at MySpace and Facebook...and our old favorite Homestarrunner dot com. :]
After making fun of it like old times, and meeting some new people on Facebook, we decided it was time to go to bed, it being around 2:00 in the morning.
Courtney didn't wake up until around 11:30 the next morning, which is late for us. I had been laying in bed, awake, for about an hour. Once she was awake, we went downstairs and watched Punk'd. We decided to go out to Southlake for that day, so we went back upstairs to get dressed. For about an hour, I sat in her chair while Courtney washed her hair and put on her makeup.
We finally got out of the house, and arrived at Southlake about fifteen minutes later. We went to Snuffers for lunch, which really isn't that great, and then began to shop around. We went to Buckle and Victoria's Secret, and some other places too.
My dad called me around 4:00 to tell me that I needed to get home, so Courtney took me back to The School Zone and I called Kevin. He had wanted to get together to go to Octoberfest, which is really just a lot of booths set up with jewelry and crafts and stuff. But it was at Southlake, and he said that since I'd already been there, then there was no point in us going. But he picked me up a little bit after 5:00, and we decided to go anyway, since I hadn't walked around the booths before, with Courtney.
First, we went to American Eagle, since we were already close by. I bought a sleeveless shirt, and put it on since it was really hot outside, and I was wearing a long-sleeve shirt before. We walked around through the booths, down each and every sidewalk, stopping at almost all of the booths. It was a lot of fun to walk around, hand in hand with Kevin, the cool breeze in the air.
I love just doing random things with him, so it's not the same ol' thing every time.
Afterwards, we went to Chili's, and I paid for supper. He got some pasta, and we shared it, and dessert: a chocolate chip molten cake. YUM.
We went back to his house and watched an episode of Dexter since I had left the DVD over there the last time I had gone. He got really interested, and wanted to keep the DVD at his house. I told him he could watch the rest of the DVD, but he said he'd wait until I could go over there so we could watch it together.
We took a couple of pictures, and had a great time.
All in all, it was a fun weekend. I loved seeing Courtney, and getting to hang out with Kevin.
I love him<3
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 10:12 AM 0 comments