I take back everything I said about my History professor yesterday. (Was it yesterday?) I spoke to him last night, and after a few e-mails of arguing, he guaranteed a final grade of a "C" in the class for the semester.
Who's excited?
I really didn't think I was going to PASS this class, and I found out about this last night at around, um, midnight. I could NOT fall asleep after that, I was so extremely happy about it!
Yesterday was an exceptionally great day.
First, I of course had to go to work. My dad left me all by myself, so I was bored out of my mind. I forgot my book at home, so I basically stared at the wall all day.
Kevin sent me a text message at around 3:00, asking if he could come over to my house. I told him he could, and that we were having pizza for supper.
"HELLS YES!!!" was his response to this. Because...Kevin and pizza? It's as if he were in Heaven. He came to The School Zone at around 6:00, when we shut down. My mom pulled up in the parking lot at the exact same time.
My dad had already ordered the pizza, and Mom went home so Kevin and I could shut down the store, and then go grab the pizza from Pizza Hut.
We left a few minutes later, got the pizza, and drove to my house.
I had a lot of fun, actually. We ate pizza and watched TV for about an hour, then Mom went down the hall to grade papers, or something (she's a 3rd grade teacher). Dad stayed down in the living room with Kevin and me, and I pulled out the second season of Dexter. We watched one episode (we only had four left to watch anyway) and Dad went down the hall, too.
So Kevin and I watched the rest of the episodes by ourselves, and since I'd already seen it, Kevin kept asking me question after question as to what happened at the end.
Which, if you haven't watched, read, or even heard of Dexter in your life...is pretty AMAZING. As Kevin says, for a girl who hates the "F" word...I love this show.
Anyway, we finished watching the series, and I had to kick him out of the house because it was almost midnight, and I needed to go to sleep!
So we walked outside and chatted for almost 30 minutes. He was really cute and funny, and I just had a great time with him. I'm thankful, now more than ever, to have him in mylife, as I am with everyone who wants anything to do with me these days.
So basically?
My first semester of college is over!!!!
I'm passing two classes (out of three, but still).
I'm on Christmas break until January 20th.
And I'm in a wonderful mood today. :]
Comments, please.
About Me

- Lindsay Laird
- Texas, United States
- I'm 22 years young. I have a boyfriend; his name is Kevin Mears. We've been together for five years, and counting. I have two best friends; their names are Cassie and Courtney. I work at Teach Mart in Keller. I'm going to North Central Texas College, and I want to transfer to UNT afterwards. I'm a complete nerd, and I love Harry Potter and the Twilight series. I own every book by Meg Cabot; she's my inspiration, and my hero. I want to be an author when I "grow up."
Friday, December 12, 2008
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 10:14 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Cool Presents, History, and nothing to do!
Today, I'm so angry I can hardly see straight. Anybody want to guess why?
If you're thinking, "Hmm, I wonder if it has anything to do with school..." you'd be on the right track. See, I think it is my history professor's goal in life to tick me off. He assigned this essay before Thanksgiving break, and it was due the Tuesday after Thanksgiving break. I read the instructions thoroughly, and worked REALLY hard on it until I was absolutely sure I did everything right, and THEN I turned it in. Well, I didn't good as good a grade as I would've hoped. And maybe in high school if I had gotten this grade on something, I wouldn't have cared so much. But this is my GPA we're talking about. I mean, I know I'm already screwed on a 4.0 because of Algebra, but I mean...I knew I was going to fail THAT class. Because let's face it: I want to write books for a living; not learn how to do the Quadratic Formula correctly. Because that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.
Anyway, I really thought I would've gotten a pretty good grade on this history assignment. But NOOOO.
In other news, it's only 11:00, and I am at work, all by my lonesome. My dad left at around 10:30, and I have to stare at the wall until 6:00 tonight. I'm really not excited about it, and I know I'll be bored out of my mind all day long.
Any suggestions as to what to do while I'm waiting to go home?
Because I totally forgot my book at home this morning :[
Last night, Mom and I finally got to Dad. Meaning...he finally gave in to letting us open Christmas presents early. :]
I opened a present from my grandparents who live in North Carolina. In ONE box, I got a cute black purse from QVC(!), a journal with the Eiffel Tower on it, and this beautiful blanket. It's brown and it is soooo soft! In the purse were some pretty earrings, too. From my dad, I got this cool jacket (that I'm so wearing today) that looks like a sweater, but it's lined, so it's a lot warmer than it looks. It's cute!
I love opening presents early :]
So that made my day all better yesterday.
Tonight, I would love it if I could hang out with Kevin.
We talked about hanging out yesterday, but it ended up that we couldn't. :[
We might order pizza tonight, so maybe he can just come over.
We can watch Dexter!
Anyway, I guess I'll go...read Meg Cabot's blog, or something.
:] Bye!
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Lily Potter is NOT a Muggle.
So I'm pathetically obsessed with Harry Potter, if you didn't already know.
I'm so bored today, and when I'm bored, I read the weirdest things online.
I love to read parodies, and one of my favorite ones is Movies in Fifteen Minutes. I was reading a new one that I found on Google, because I've read the MIFM about a million times-- and still fall out of my chair every single time I read it.
I found some new spoofs on the first three Harry Potter movies, and they're pretty funny.
Anyway, I was reading through, and it reminded me of something.
I was wondering if anyone could explain this to me:
Why does everyone say that Harry Potter is a half-blood, instead of a pure blood? Why do people say that Lily Potter was a Muggle? Just because she was Muggle-born, doesn't mean she was a Muggle herself.
A couple of times throughout the books, it is said that Harry is a half-blood. But both of his parents went to -- and met at -- Hogwarts. So apparently neither of them were Muggles, therefore Harry is a pure blood.
I know, I'm just being a nerd.
But can someone PLEASE explain this to me?
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Writing, Meg Cabot, and Harry Potter
Wow, it's definitely been a while since I've written anything in here. Sorry about that!
Today I'm at work, and I'm not feeling to great. My throat hurts, and I'm over-heated for some reason. I couldn't stay home, though; Dad had things to do and people to see.
Anyway, I've been trying my hardest these days to write a book. I just...don't really know where to begin. I mean, basically, I've started about five or six books. One of them is a horror novel that I wrote four chapters for, but apparently only saved the first chapter, considering that's all I can find. The second one is a love story that I wrote when I was twelve. Yeah, that's how old I was when I figured out that I love to write. Then about three years later, I read over it, and realized it was the dumbest thing I've ever written. I sat down and started to write something else. Some other love story, I'm sure...that later seemed even more stupid than the first one. When I was seventeen, and a junior in high school, quite a few things happened to me. I met one of my best friends, I met my boyfriend (that I still have), and I finally grew up, and changed my view on life. I started to write a book about how I met this guy and then we broke up, and then I met Kevin. I talked about my best friend and my algebra class. I talked about how much I loved Choir and how much I hated my first English teacher. But then I lost my best friend about two years later (earlier this year) and it became difficult to write and continue on with this story about how much I loved her and having her in my life.
I realized later that this novel is supposed to be, um, FICTION. But basically, all I'm doing is writing about my life.
And what I'm wondering is...
Is that okay?
To write a "fictional" story about...my life?
Because I've always been told to write what I know. And I only know what's happened to me.
So, that makes sense, right?
I mean, obviously that horror story I mentioned earlier never actually happened to me...but it's like the Twilight series, and how Stephenie Meyer came to write about it. It came to her in a dream and she fell in love with the characters.
That happened to me, so I had to write it down.
The only difference is...I really don't have that much discipline to write THE WHOLE BOOK. Just, you know, a few chapters, and then set it aside because I get stuck.
As most of you probably know, Meg Cabot is my all time favorite author, and I only hope to one day be as great as her. A new Meg Cabot book is the best thing in the world, let me tell you. She makes me fall in love with the characters. If the character is sad or depressed, I'M sad. If the character is happy and starts with this random sarcasm, I laugh out loud. I love a book that makes me laugh so hard, and that's what Meg's books do for me.Last night, I was looking at my bookcase. It's a small bookcase that's right next to my bed, and has Meg Cabot books galore. Well, the first two shelves, anyway.
<-- See the Princess Diaries and the Queen of Babble books?
Anyway, I was thinking about how amazing she is to have time to lead a normal life and write all of these books. And then some, because I cannot find the Patricia Cabot romance books ANYWHERE to save my life. So basically, yeah, I want to BE her. Or at least as amazing as her. I guess I really just need to sit down and write. I really need to have deadlines, though. I need to have that discipline and that...I don't know. I mean, it's fun for me and I want more than anything to get a book (or, you know, five thousand. Whatever) published. I just feel like I never will.
Anyway, I am obsessed with Meg's blog, and I read it everytime she posts a new one. And do you know what I found out? That it's easier than ever to get a book signed by her.
How COOL would that be?
You not only get a book signed by her, but all of this too! (While supplies lasts.)
Ahhh. My birthday is the DAY AFTER Princess Diaries: Forever Princess hits the bookshelves. And do you know how many people know that I LOVE PD, and everyone is going to buy me this book AND Ransom My Heart -- because I'm totally excited about that one, too.
Except that...Meg has videos on her website that says both of the books are coming out in DECEMBER. Why change the date?
It's like the whole Harry Potter/Twilight thing.
Anyway, I have homework to do.
Update later.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 10:26 AM 0 comments