All weekend, I was sick, and then Sunday night, I started to feel better, so I invited Kevin over. Well, his brother, Kyle, had the car (that they share) so Kevin couldn't get out of the house. I told him that he had better come to The School Zone on Monday sometime. Except that...Kyle had school, and had the privilege of getting the keys. So Kevin came over to my house on Monday night. We were having pizza for supper :D
It was the greatest night of pretty much my whole life. We basically just watched TV with my parents for an hour, until they went down the hall to go to bed ... at 8:00. :]
So we watched the rest of the Monday Night Line-Up until 9:00, and then we fell asleep on the couch, in each other's arms. It was a lot of fun. We talked until the others' ears fell off. We laughed, and joked, and had a great time.
Crap, I love him :]
Last night, I was looking forward to watching Guys' Night on American Idol. My mom picked me up early from work at 5:00, and we got home. I had recorded Kyle XY on Monday night, because, um, Kevin doesn't want to watch that! So I was watching Kyle XY, and I got a VERY unexpected phone call! My cousin, Janda, called me, telling me she was taking a bath when I asked her what she was doing.
I honestly thought, up until last night, that I was the only one that called people in the bathtub!
"Huh," she said. "We must be related!" :D
So, last night was the (I think) first Northwest High School Softball Home Game. And Janda so kindly invited me to come along with her.
I got really, really, really excited. And then I realized...I'm going to miss American Idol! I'm going to miss valuable time with my mom! :[
[I feel like I don't get to spend as much time with her as I want to, so I love American Idol nights.]
But, I hadn't seen Janda since the end of our Senior year, so I went with her. I totally thought we were just going to watch, like, five minutes of the game, and then she was going to go say hi to her friends, and then we would leave, and go eat something. Yeah. No. We sat in the stands, watching the girls...for three and a half hours!
We pretty much froze our toes off, but all in all, I had the best time.
We talked like we hadn't seen each other in years. I forgot how much I miss talking to her! It was just like old times.
After the game, I talked to Tanya (Softball Coach, and my aunt :] ) and Granny (Photographer, and my grandmother :] ) Janda said hi to all of her friends, and I saw a few people I knew, too.
Afterwards, we went to Sonic, and they couldn't figure out what it was that we wanted. I wanted a fish sandwich combo...they thought we said steak sandwich...I got a chicken sandwich. Yeah. Gayyy.
But I bought supper, and then we noticed something on the menu we hadn't before.... LATTES! Um, hello!
We finished eating, and we talked in the Sonic parking lot just talking.
Then, she took me home, and I didn't realize just how tired I was until that very moment.
But I had a blast! And I can't WAIT to see her again!
Today is my sister's husband, Jeremy's, birthday.
Tonight, after work, we're going to Chili's to celebrate :D
I'm excited :D
About Me

- Lindsay Laird
- Texas, United States
- I'm 22 years young. I have a boyfriend; his name is Kevin Mears. We've been together for five years, and counting. I have two best friends; their names are Cassie and Courtney. I work at Teach Mart in Keller. I'm going to North Central Texas College, and I want to transfer to UNT afterwards. I'm a complete nerd, and I love Harry Potter and the Twilight series. I own every book by Meg Cabot; she's my inspiration, and my hero. I want to be an author when I "grow up."
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
My Week So Far.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 12:12 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 18, 2008
We Need a Niche.
As you know, I work at The School Zone in Roanoke with my Dad.
See, my mom is a 3rd grade teacher, and my dad had worked with Albertsons for 25 years, and retired. We opened up a family business, and have been open since 2005.
Business isn't doing as well as we hoped lately, so I'm putting out a request.
What can we do to get more people in here?
-We sell teaching supplies for teachers, parents, and homeschoolers.
-We have mostly women come in here.
Think outside of the box.
We need help.
Thanks :D
And later, I'll tell you about my Valentine's Day :D
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 10:05 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
Stupid Facewash.
There's this commercial that comes on TV a lot. It has Vanessa Anne Hudgens (from High School Musical, if you didn't already know that) selling the Neutrogena Wave.
It's a face wash contraption that you stick a cotton pad on the end of it, add water, and turn it on. And BAM. It vibrates and washes your face.
AND it comes in PINK.
Naturally, I wanted one.
See, my dad and I went to Target the other morning before work because I could only find The Wave at Not, not
So...we went to Target in Grapevine.
I was also looking for Kevin's Valentine's present.
So yeah. We woke up at 7:45, and got out to Grapevine bright and early. I swear to God, we were the only two people in Target. Except, of course, the people that work there.
We walked over to the face wash, and went to the Neutrogena section, and, lo and behold, it wasn't there!
My dad started getting obsessed; looking on endcaps and stuff. Maybe I just read it wrong. Maybe it hasn't come out yet. But why, might I ask, is sweet Vanessa doing a commercial for it if it hasn't come out yet???
We went over to the (I can't tell this part yet. Kevin might read it. I'll tell you what I got him AFTER Valentine's Day :] ) "present section" but I couldn't find what the heck I was looking for. But DAD TO THE RESCUE! We found (another place for the Valentine's Present.)
So Target was NO help, thank you very much.
But I got the stuff I needed, minus the face wash :[ I really wanted that too. But seeing as it's WAY too complicated to get, eh, I don't want it anymore.
So I went to Walmart with my mom yesterday. Okay back to a commercial. There's one with a girl that text messages her friend and says "WAKE UP!" and so she goes and washes her face. And then they spend the whole day together, taking pictures of their clear skin. Know what I'm talking about?
It's for the Clean and Clear. So I bought it. mom did. It was, like, five bucks. But it's called Morning Burst, and it's supposedly for waking your face up! Ha, I don't know. I thought I'd give it a try.
So this morning was my first morning to use it.
And I'm pissed.
I swear, as soon as I wiped my face clean with the washcloth, I HAD A BRAND NEW ZIT.
Gah. Stupid Facewash :D
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 3:41 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 10, 2008
I Love Mother/Daughter Days.
Today I woke up at around 9:30, and layed in bed until 10:00.
I finally went down the hall and warmed up two banana nut muffins that my mom had made the day before for breakfast. Both of my parents were already awake, so I ate my muffins with them in the living room.
About an hour had passed, and I was in my room reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. (8th time to read it.) My dad opened my door and said, "Hey. We're going to go eat some mexican food for lunch. Wanna go?" Uhhh yeah :D
So I got dressed in about five seconds, and we waited on Mom to finish getting ready. Dad watched TV and I worked on Kevin's Valentine's Day present.
Mom came down the hall, telling us she was ready, so we left in a hurry. I didn't bring my purse today :[
We went to Cristina's, and then Dad had to go to work at 2:00. Mom and I went to Southlake Town Square, and walked around for a few hours. She went to Christopher and Banks...I went to Barnes and Noble, dELia's, and Aeropostale :D
I wanted to buy three books, a dress, a shirt, and some shorts.
But had NO money.
THEN we went to Wal-Mart, and I wanted to buy some Valentine's presents for my friends. But again...I had no money :[
Maybe I'll just shop online. I don't think I'll be able to get out to Wal-Mart before Thursday. As for the clothes...I will probably get them next weekend. Or whenever Kevin and I next go to Southlake.
Anyway. I had TONS of fun with Mom today. My feet hurt a little bit, though.
We're having hamburgers for supper tonight, and my stomach isn't feeling its best right now. I'm hungry, though.
Probably because my mom is making oatmeal raisin cookies right now, and I can smell them coming down the hallway. :D
Hm. Dad's home.
And I need to look for a movie ticket.
More later.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 5:06 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 8, 2008
Man, I Feel Like a Gamer.
I bought this game about two weeks ago at Best Buy. It was a fun day, to say the least. Kevin and I went on a double-date with our two friends Matt and Cassie.
They weren't an item yet, so it was a little awkward for her; poor thing.
Anyway, we went to the movies, and to our knowledge (mine and Cassie's) we were seeing Alvin and the Chipmunks. But uh...the boys were being all secretive and went up to the counter and whispered which movie they wanted to see. Which was, um, Meet the Spartans.
Ladies? Don't go see this movie. I thought it was going to be like Scary Movie. I guess that's kind of the's just...crude. It's horrible. And finally (Thank God!) Cassie got up and left. I, being her best friend, had to get up as well and follow her outside to comfort her. Kevin and Matt closely followed us, and got four extra tickets to go see another movie at another time. Which worked out, really.
We walked around Southlake Townsquare, Cassie bought a Star Wars shirt from Delia's while the boys went to Buckle. And then we went to Best Buy. :D
I had gotten a gift card a few days before, but didn't bring it with me for reasons unknown, really.
I'm totally obsessed with Nancy Drew PC games. Thanks to Cassie, of course. And now I'm obsessed with all things mystery. And a few months ago, Kevin (who works at GameStop) showed me this game, and told me he would buy it for me, based on a book by Agatha Christie. Why, I had never heard of such a thing! A game...based on a book! Yeah, I know Nancy Drew are books...just the games aren't the same as the books, you know? This game was called And Then There Were None. I want it SO BAD! (Yeah. Want. He still hasn't gotten it for me.) So I went to Half Price Books, and bought the book. Little did I know that the game COMES with the book. But whatever.
So at Best Buy, I got Murder on the Orient Express. I'm reading the book (that came with it) everyday at work and playing the game every night when I get home from work. I just started playing/reading about a week ago.
I'm so hooked.
And I totally feel like Kevin (who stays up into the early hours of the morning playing video games). :D
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 3:19 PM 0 comments
People Get Dumber Everyday.
Really. I rant and rave about this everyday. But uh, READ THE DOOR.
So I work at The School Zone in Roanoke, Tx...and it says in BIG WHITE LETTERS...."THE SCHOOL ZONE"...get it? Not ROANOKE PHARMACY. I don't get people sometimes.
Sometimes they'll just open the door a little bit, so if my dad and I are in the back room, and the curtain that's set up between the front room and the back room whooshes, (which tells us somebody has come inside) it forces us to pause our movie, and go help whoever is out there. And um, if they can't read THE SCHOOL ZONE, it's not my fault. It is, in fact, their fault that they didn't read the door, and we had to pause our movie. Jeez. The nerve of people.
So yesterday, this lady came in, walked through the door, took a few steps in, and then saw what it was, looked at me and smiled, and left!
And if that's not bad enough...this guy came in today, walked up to my dad and said, "Uh, where's the pharmacist?"
If I'm lying, I'm dying.
Anyway, my dad's gone at the moment. He made a sandwich for Mom and is taking it to her school. My mom's a 3rd grade teacher, by the way. :D
Today, I'm working on Kevin's Valentine's Day present :D
I only have six more days!!! Ahhh!!
Oh! Dad's back!
Gotta go!
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 11:56 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 7, 2008
It's All Going To Work Out, Sweetie.
Before I say anything, I swear I'm 19, okay?
I'm not ashamed to admit that I am in love with Hannah Montana, High School Musical, and my boyfriend, Kevin.
In one way I am mature; I am trying to grow up. I want to drive, I want to go to college, I want to write so many books, and I want to travel the world.
But in another way, I like my life. I like getting to come home to my parents every single day, getting to have a warm meal, and then coming down the hall to read, write, or talk to a friend.
Speaking of friends, though, I have re-made a lot of friendships these past few months. I've forgiven people that shouldn't really be forgiven. I've tried to be the bigger person in so many circumstances. I've forgotten about how things used to be, because when I think about the past, it makes me unable to move forward.
I wish I would've done so many things, but I'm finished dwelling on them. I'm sick of What Could've Been or What I Should've Done. What about now? I still have time to fix things. I still have time to get things done. But I am trying. I'm trying harder now than I ever have. And that right there is an accomplishment to me. It may not seem like much to anybody else, but nobody else matters all that much. Unless it's my family. And my family includes Kevin and Mandy, yeah.
I absolutely hate it when I disappoint my parents. Or really anybody else for that matter.
I think it's amazing how one moment you can be laughing with a person, and the next, they just seem to hate you.
I know I'm rambling, but it's 9:30 at night, and I've been up (Yes, out of bed) since 7:45 this morning. I'm tired.
I just have to make myself feel better about myself.
Nobody else can do that but me.
Nobody else can make me drive.
I can make my own decisions, thanks.
Or mistakes, whichever you prefer.
I'd like to call it The Growing Up Process.
Man, that sounds like a cheesy movie the nurse shows you in 5th grade. Like the period talk, you know?
I am tired. And I'm going to hit the hay.
Until next time, I'm Lindsay Michelle Laird Mears Nestel Junior. Have a great night.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 9:24 PM 0 comments