"...so can i see you tomorrow? i have a movie i want to watch with you."
I got this text message two days ago at about 6:00pm from Kevin.
Well, heck yeah, I do, but uhhh, what movie did he want to watch? Mmm, yeah. That would be Shaun of the Dead. So I've only seen this movie once, and I only saw the last half of it.
You definitely have to watch it from the beginning if there's any hope of understanding the whole 2-and-a-half hour movie!
So that was the plan. I had work on Saturday, so I was going to go, and Kevin was going to pick me up after work to watch the movie at his house. He so kindly rented it for us to watch. How sweet.
But, as things always do with the Mears family, the plans changed.
On Saturday, I went to work. Kevin had orientation with Chili's since he just got a new job as a waiter there. [[Go Kev!]] I heard from him at around 1:00, and he said that he had to wake up early that morning, so he was going to take a nap...then I heard his mom talking on her cell phone in the background.
"Baked or sweet potatoes?" she asked Kevin.
Yeah, I was lost, but I said REGULAR anyway. Because baked sweet potatoes=gross.
They had been invited to The Jones Grandparents household.
And so was I!
So I asked my parents, and they said it was okay for me to go.
He picked me up at 4:15, and Kevin and I went by ourselves to their house, everybody already at the house. When we got there, I talked with Kyle and Stephanie, and Mom, and Grandma... we started to watch the movie at their house, and then it was time to eat. Mom and Steph pulled the potatoes out of the oven, and Grandma tossed a salad. Kyle took the steak and the "special chicken just for Lindsay" off of the grill. Ha I felt SOOO BAD that Grandma took out some chicken to defrost JUST FOR ME. But hey, at least I'm loved in this family, right?
We all sat down at the same table, in the dining room, and talked about -- get this -- ABORTION. And how Kevin is all for it if -- and ONLY IF -- like, the girl gets raped, and gets pregnant from it, and isn't ready for a baby. So I got mad at Kevin for that, because um, it's not her fault that she's pregnant, so she can totally give it up for adoption! There's no reason to just kill a baby because a guy raped you. Whatever.
So after that, we talked about World War II, or something equally boring.
After supper, Kevin and I layed on the floor in front of the television in the living room, and watched most of the movie.
Now, Kyle and Steph wanted to go "camping", or something, so they had to take the car. Which meant Kevin and I had to leave when Mom was ready. Which probably meant within the next five minutes. But I had to be home by 10:00 anyway, so we had to leave. AND WE DIDN'T EVEN FINISH THE MOVIE!!! :(
It came time for me to go home, and Kyle had to take Stephanie (who also lives in Justin) home as well. So all four of us (Kyle, Steph, Kevin, and myself) piled into the car, and went to The Big J. Kevin and I were in the back seat together, and I was so tired! So I just layed down in his lap for pretty much the whole carride. I listened to Kyle sing and watched him dance out of the corner of my eye. I giggled a little bit, and then fell asleep to Kevin running his fingers through my hair every three seconds. (I love it when somebody plays with my hair.) Kyle dropped off Steph first, and we all said goodbye.
Once he got back in the car, he began to drive. The topic of my mom came up for some reason, and Kyle goes, "Your mom thinks I'm gay."
I laughed so hard.
"Why do you think that?" I said.
"Uh. Maybe because she TOLD me that the first time I met her."
I was like, "Kyle. I was THERE the day that you met my mom." Which I totally was. It was an...interesting experience.
My mom never said that, though. So I think Kyle was a little loopy.
I remember it really well. The day Kyle met my mom, I mean. We were all in the backyard last summer, sitting around the pool. Our dog, Maggie, came up to my mom for her to pet her, and then Kyle goes, all cool, "Dogs love me." And then he patted his knee for Maggie to come to him. She totally blew him off though, and walked the other way! It was so funny.
Then he drove me to my house, but hey! The car wasn't there! I called my mom because, um, I didn't have a key to get into the house. She answered, and explained that she and Dad had gone out to eat, and were just at the Speedway, on their way home. So I went up to Sonic with the boys, and we chatted for a few minutes, and then turned back around and to my house. My parents were just pulling up in the driveway when we got there, so Kevin got out of the car to thank them for letting me come over.
"Mrs. Laird," Kevin turned to my mom. "Do you think Kyle is gay?"
My mom looked kind of taken aback. "No. Why?"
"Because he said that you told him that."
"Yeah," Mom said. "Because I'm the kind of person that goes around and tells people they look like they're gay."
So I had a GREAT night, all in all, with my boy. :D
I always do.
My dad and I have been looking online for cars for FOREVER, and I've been wanting a Black Ford Ranger because I think it's the cutest thing EVER. BUT I think a truck is way too big for me, and it's a really bad car for me to have for my first car. I'd totally run over everything. So, I've been wanting a VW Beetle since I was like, 13, so we've been looking for one.
There was one for sale up at Justin State Bank the other day. It was silver, and it was an automatic. It was pretty freaking cute. But it had this HUMONGOUS dent on the passenger side door. And of course, when Dad looked at it, he found all of these other things wrong with it, too. Like it didn't have a front blinker light, and it was broken. Ha, I don't know.
So we were looking online, and WE FOUND ONE. It was gray, automatic, but it was new on the website, so they didn't have a picture, or very many details. So we called the place, and the guy said that it didn't have a sunroof, which I wanted!! And he told us there wasn't much wrong with it, except that it had quite a few miles on it...but it's a 2002. So whatev.
That little baby is MINE.
While I was gone at Kevin's grandma's, BOTH of my parents went out to freaking IRVING (where the dealership is) AND BOUGHT THE CAR!!!!!!
And guess what?? IT HAS A SUNROOF!! The guy told my parents that he told us it didn't have a sunroof, because he didn't want to tell us it did, and then it didn't. So it's better this way :D
I totally thought it was an early April Fools joke.
But...my parents aren't that mean!!!
About Me

- Lindsay Laird
- Texas, United States
- I'm 22 years young. I have a boyfriend; his name is Kevin Mears. We've been together for five years, and counting. I have two best friends; their names are Cassie and Courtney. I work at Teach Mart in Keller. I'm going to North Central Texas College, and I want to transfer to UNT afterwards. I'm a complete nerd, and I love Harry Potter and the Twilight series. I own every book by Meg Cabot; she's my inspiration, and my hero. I want to be an author when I "grow up."
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Shaun of the Dead.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 10:01 PM
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