I just wanted to update you a little bit on what's been going on.
Well, yesterday, Dad and I went to NCTC and I registered for classes. I'm taking an English class, a History class, and a Math class. The only one I'm excited about, of course, is the English class. But I'm really just excited for the classes to start! Dad keeps telling me to read the History book that we bought front to back so I'd know everything before I started classes.
Yeah. Right.
Anyway, while we were at the college, we bought a college writing book too, and two shirts that say NCTC LIONS on them :]
I wore one of them to work yesterday!
Classes start August 23rd!! (Which, yes, it's a Saturday...but still!! I'm excited :] )
So that's what's new with college...
I've been reading this series of books. They're by Stephenie Meyer and it's called The Twilight Series. They're about this girl who meets this boy and they fall in love. Then she finds out he's a vampire, so she strives for him to make her a vampire so they could live together forever. And then she meets another boy who likes her and she finds out that he's a werewolf. Vampires and werewolves are enemies, so she can't be friends with both, so she has to choose.
Anyway, it's a VERY good love story, and they're good page-turners. The movie comes out in December, and I'm definitely going to see it.
The fourth book in the series comes out this weekend (August 2nd) and at Barnes and Noble, they're having a midnight party for it, and at midnight, the book goes on sale, and you can buy it. My best friend, Cassie, and I are going since she's the one who got me into these books. So I'm spending the night at her house Friday night, we're going to the party, and then the next day we're going bowling (yay. Not.) with her youth group from church. I'm so going to throw the ball at fourteen people, I just know it.
Monday is Kevin's 20th birthday, so on Sunday, we're going to Hurricane Harbor all day! I'm SOOO excited. I bought the tickets yesterday, and they cost around 40 bucks. So, it wasn't horrible, I guess. On Monday, I hope Dad lets me stay home so I can spend time with Kevin on his actual birthday.
Those are my plans for the weekend. I'm really looking forward to it!!!
About Me

- Lindsay Laird
- Texas, United States
- I'm 22 years young. I have a boyfriend; his name is Kevin Mears. We've been together for five years, and counting. I have two best friends; their names are Cassie and Courtney. I work at Teach Mart in Keller. I'm going to North Central Texas College, and I want to transfer to UNT afterwards. I'm a complete nerd, and I love Harry Potter and the Twilight series. I own every book by Meg Cabot; she's my inspiration, and my hero. I want to be an author when I "grow up."
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Time For You.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Movie Madness.
So I got home about an hour ago from spending time with Kevin<3
He had the day off, so we planned to spend a few hours together after I got off of work.
My mom dropped by at The School Zone at 4:30 (we close at 5:00), and she dropped me off at Kevin's house. I watched him play WoW for a little bit, and then I finally got bored. I suggested we have a movie marathon, so we went into the media room to try to find something on the movie channels. Come to find out, they didn't have movie channels anymore, so we watched Wrestling Olympics (Yeah, I know) for 15 minutes and then went downstairs to try to find something to watch.
Kevin decided to go to BlockBuster to rent some movies, so we left. I noticed the sky was very dark. "Is it going to rain tonight?" I wondered aloud.
We went to Chili's first so he could get his schedule for the week, and then we headed off to go get movies! We walked around and chatted for a while, and we finally decided on The Eye and Superhero Movie.
We left there and Kevin called in to Chili's To Go so he could have something to eat, but I wasn't hungry, so I didn't get anything. By the time we left BlockBuster, the bottom dropped out of the sky. Rain pelted the car from every direction, but Kevin didn't see this as a problem. Oh no. He took his hands of the wheel, he sang at the top of his lungs to the radio, and when he talked to me, he looked at me. ME. NOT THE ROAD! Oh yeah, I felt safe. Not.
So he got out in the Chili's parking lot, and I sat there. And I sat there. And then, guess what? I sat there some more. It took them FOREVER to make his food. Seriously, four people pulled up and left with food before Kevin finally came out of there.
Kevin's rule is "No food or drinks in the brand new car" but lo and behold! There he was with a coke and pasta! Go figure.
We left, movies and food in tow, and we finally got back safely.
Kevin ate his food REALLY fast, and we went upstairs. We watched The Eye first, and then Superhero Movie. I LOVED The Eye, and my stomach hurt from laughing so hard through Superhero Movie. I kid you not. I could not stop laughing!
When the movies were over, I got hungry, so we went downstairs and I ate a breakfast bar, because God forbid that family goes grocery shopping. I grabbed a Vitamin Water from the fridge, and we left.
"Uh, don't bring that drink in my car! You know my rule," he told me.
"Yeah. Okay, Mister-I-Just-Ate-Pasta-In-My-Brand-New-Car. I'm bringing this." Then I turned around. "I'll keep it closed," I assured him.
So he let me bring the drink.
Then he took me home, and we had a good time just chatting.
I love him. I really do. No matter what. Yeah, we fight. But who doesn't?
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
I Don't Care What They Say.
Last night, I'm pretty sure God was testing me...through Kevin.
He asked me if I really wanted to be with him, or if I was just saying that because I didn't want to flush over two years down the drain.
And the truth is...I love him. I love him more than anything in this world, and I mean that with all of my heart.
Every movie that I have ever watched; every book that I have ever read has told me that I should never date anybody that I don't see myself marrying. And I think throughout middle school and high school, I've only had one relationship that I definitely couldn't see myself with him for the rest of my life. He was just...for fun. But with Kevin, I'm pretty sure that I could spend the rest of my life with him.
I also asked him if we were good for each other, and he said, "Some people think so, some say we're not." And that really hurt. When we first started going out, people were always saying what a cute couple we made, and how perfect we were for each other.
And now? Now people see me as immature, and not anywhere good enough for Kevin.
It used to be the other way around...where I was the better person. I was the best thing that ever happened to him, and I chose him. He wasn't good enough for me. I didn't see it that way, of course. I know I am the best thing that could ever happen to him. But I know he's more than good enough for me.
I don't just want to stay with him because I don't want to flush two plus years down the drain. I don't just want to stay with him so I can show everybody that they were wrong. Because they are wrong.
Nobody's perfect, and everybody deserves a second chance.
I just wish that people would get to know me before they started making assumptions and accusations. I'm not who they think I am; I'm so much better than that.
I wish that Kevin would tell everyone they're wrong, and that we're right for each other.
I feel like he's the one that let's them talk; let's them think like that.
I don't know...I'm having an off day today. I'm tired, I have a headache, I forgot about a million things at home today, and I'm hungry.
I just wish I could figure out what was wrong with me. So I could get to feeling better. I wish I knew where life was taking me so I could make the right decisions. Or at least, the best ones for me.
Okay, so my mom just called me about 10 minutes ago, and said she got this big envelope that said, "Open Immediately!!! Important test results inside!"
See, I took the THEA about a week ago, and I'm just now getting results. I only had to take the math portion, having been exempt from the reading and writing portions!!!!
My mom said that I passed!!!!!! Probably barely (I made a 242 and the minimum grade is 230) but still!!! I passed!!
Aaaaahhhh!! :]
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 1:24 PM 2 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
Mr. Right.
Okay, so I remember, about two and a half years ago, when I was with Austin, I had a dream.
We were at school, and for some reason, there was a flood, and everybody was running (or I guess, swimming. Ha-ha.) like crazy. Austin was holding my hand, making sure he didn't lose me…and despite the fact that either of us could actually die in a flood…I wanted to know how he would react if he did, in fact, "lose me." So I sort of just…let my hands fall out of his. And the sad part was, he didn't even acknowledge the fact that maybe his girlfriend was in trouble. That maybe, he'd lost me forever. But I am actually a very good swimmer, so I didn't really drown, or anything. I just wanted to make him think he'd lost me forever. I wanted to know if he'd give me a second thought, if he really cared about me, if he really loved me. I wanted to know if he'd be sad that I was gone. If he'd be relieved, even happy. And yeah, I was thinking all of this while I was trying to get through the school, and out of the flood that I could've died in. But, as I said before, I am a pretty good swimmer, so I just kind of…waded in the water and watched Austin swim away from me, not once turning around to see if I was okay, or why, all of a sudden, he didn't have to hold on to something else—me.
I remember crying when I woke up from this dream. I felt as if God was trying to tell me that I was wasting my time with Austin; that he wasn't the right guy for me. And I had felt so sure that he was. Right for me, I mean.
I thought maybe we were just going through a rough period of our relationship (and we were—he was breaking up with me) and that we'd eventually get through it. I think I did just love him so much, I wish that's what that dream meant.
But last night? Last night, I had basically the same dream. It started out (and ended) totally different.
Kevin and I were in this race, and we were against each other. We were driving these kind of race cars, I guess, and, well, he won, of course. Me not being able to drive, and all. At the finish line, there was all this water, and we had to join each other in the race, and be against everybody else. It was a brand new race, and the finish line, for some reason, was a lake. We had to go through and follow a path around, and get to the lake before anybody else. I was trying to work out a strategy, but Kevin just jumped into the water (that wasn't the lake) and started trying to get to the lake really fast. But he ran into a wall that had a sign that said, "If you jump over this wall, you will be disqualified. This is not the way to the lake." So he screamed for me to swim over to him. I looked down at myself, and I was wearing my favorite pair of jeans, and I didn't want to get my shoes dirty, either. But I shrugged my shoulders, and jumped in the water too. I swam over to him, and I started complaining, "Man, I really liked these jeans!" And Kevin smiled and said, "Me too." I glared at him. "My jeans or your jeans?" I asked him. "Your jeans, of course." I knew it was the real Kevin after that; that's so something he'd say. Eventually, we found a way to the lake, and thankfully, there was nobody already there. As we were wading through the water, the water was over both of our heads, but he was determined to keep going. He kept holding my hand, and if I tripped over something, his grip would get tighter. I had a vague flashback to the Austin dream, but mostly I think I was actually dying. I couldn't hold my breath for any longer. But I also wondered to myself if Kevin could live without me. I wondered how he'd feel if he lost me. Would he even try to save me? So I, again, sort of just…let my fingers fall out of his. I remember falling, falling to the bottom. My eyes closing. The last thing I saw was Kevin stopping, turning around, and his eyes widening as he realized that I was gone. I said my silent goodbye, and closed my eyes for good. I knew it was the end. But the next thing I knew, I was being laid down on the cold, hard floor of the school hallway. I opened my eyes slowly, and Kevin was above me, tears streaming down his face, his eyes beat red. But a small smile was cracking, and he began to wipe away the tears. "Baby!" he screamed as he wrapped me into one of his bear hugs. "I thought I'd lost you forever." His voice cracked on the last word, and more tears came. The last thing I remember was I wrapped my arms around him, and I didn't want to ever let go.
I woke up. I was crying, but for a totally different reason than the other dream. I love this boy more than anything in the world. I'm pretty sure that he'd be sad if he lost me, whether if I leave him, or I…die. I'm not saying my relationship with Austin wasn't a good one, because for a while there, it really was good. We just sort of…fell apart, and a few things happened. But I'm happy now, and I hope he is too.
I hope I get to sort of witness this in real life, not just my dreams. And I hope that this time, God is trying to tell me that it may be difficult sometimes, but Kevin is the right guy for me.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 9:41 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I'm Pretty Much Excited.
Tomorrow, the X-Files movie comes out to theatres, and my best friend, Cassie, is planning to get a few people together to go see it in Southlake. And I'm invited. She said we could get to Southlake at around 6:30, and walk around and shop and stuff, and then I will probably be home at around 10:00. She's really gotten me back into this show. I used to watch it when I was younger, but I lost interest after a while. But as much as she talks about it, I've begun to watch it again.
Here are a few *in theaters:
-High School Musical 3 (!!!!)
-Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (!!!!)
-Twilight (!!!!)
Especially because ... um, well ... just see for yourself:
-Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter!!!)
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Vacation and More.
My week:
Sunday: I got home from Colorado. This trip was fun, to say the least, but I missed my boy sooooo bad! No reception is the worst thing ever when you're two states away from the one you love. Anyway, the weather was amazing; we woke up freezing every morning! We just had a bit of a problem with the water...it stunk. Bad. But I was so happy to be home. Kevin came by to see me, and he showed off his BRAND NEW 2008 White Nissan Sentra. We talked outside for a while, and he finally went home at 11:30. He wasn't supposed to stay too late. Lol. Oops.
Monday: Back to work! I had the longest day possible, but Kevin came by to see me towards the end of it, and we left when the shop closed at 5:00, and went to Southlake. We saw Hancock (good movie, by the way!) and went to Wal-Mart for a little bit. I bought Veet. Lol.
Tuesday: I don't remember doing anything this day. Lol. Just work!
Wednesday: I didn't have to go to work...nobody woke me up. Mom went to work for the day, and Dad and I went out to NCTC together to get me signed up to take the THEA, and to sit down with a counselor to talk about future classes and everything. I gave the lady at the front desk my high school transcripts...and guess what? Umm...I'm exempt from taking the writing and reading parts of the THEA because my TAKS scores were so high!!!! Eeeeeeeeeee! Okay so Dad and I left and went to Panchos for lunch (and then I had heartburn for the rest of the day. Lol. We went back to the shop to talk to Mom, and then went back home.
Thursday: Um, I went to work a little late, because my mom let me sleep in again. She and Dad were going to go shopping around Southlake together and so I got ready to go to work so she could go ahead and leave with Dad. I pretty much just studied out of the THEA practice book we bought at the school book store at NCTC the day before. Kevin got off of work at around 4:00, and he came to pick me up at the house at around 7:00 with his mom. She had just gotten back from a trip to SCOTLAND! and she and Kevin came to the backyard -- where I was with my parents -- and gave me a shirt that she had bought me in SCOTLAND. It's cute. It's black and has sequins on it that says SCOTLAND! :] We went to his Grandparents' house for about an hour and then Kevin and I went back to the house and had a, um, long talk. But not too long, because I had to be home by 10:00, so he drove me home. But then I realized that I forgot my phone at his house...and I started to freak out because me without my cell phone? Horrible dilemma.
Friday: I woke up and got ready for work. I told Dad about my missing cell phone, so he took me to Kevin's house before we had to be at work so I could pick it up. Kevin had work at 10:15 that morning, and we got there at 9:45. So I rang the doorbell, and there's his dad and Chris answering the door. His dad was on the phone, and he gave me this big smile when he saw me... He gestured for me to come in the house, so I smiled and walked past him, bolting up the stairs to Kevin's room. Mmm...Kevin was still asleep. Lol. So I walked over to him, all cuddled up in his blankets so cute, and gave him a light kiss on the lips. Um, yeah. That woke him up, and gave him a good start as well. He said he loved waking up to me :] He thought that we were spending the whole day together, but he had work, and so did I :[ I talked with him for a few more minutes, and then his dad yelled, "Is your dad outside, Lindsay? I think I'll go talk to him," up the stairs. So I kissed Kevin good-bye, and bolted back down the stairs to, um, save my dad. I got into the car and we left. My dad kept making noises every few minutes and saying, "I'm still shocked he came outside to see me!" Hahaha.Cassie came over to spend the night at 6:00 :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] My parents had gone to go out to eat and go shopping, so we had the house to ourselves for a few hours. We watched some of a movie she brought over, called Adventures in Babysitting, and it was really, really funny. I made grilled turkey and cheese sandwiches for supper! We stopped the movie about halfway through because we got on a talking rampage, and then we went outside and talked some more before it got too dark. By that time, my parents were home, so we went back inside, and finished the movie.After the movie, we went down the hall, and just chatted for a while. We didn't fall asleep until 2:00 this morning because of all of the caffeine we had. Lol.Today, we watched John Tucker Must Die, High School Musical, and the last our of Harry Potter & OOTP. We went in my room at 4:00 so she could get ready to go home, but her mom didn't get here until around 5:00, maybe later, so we just talked...and talked and talked...and took pictures!!
So that was my week!!!
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 9:47 PM 0 comments