So I've had a pretty good weekend :]
On Friday night, I was supposed to go to the Barnes and Noble Breaking Dawn party with Cassie, but she didn't want to go anymore because she started to read up on it, and it seemed freakier than we thought.
So I just spent the night at her house, and we watched Penelope, and sat on her bed and talked for forever. We ate pizza for supper up in her room, and played on her laptop. We tried to figure a few things out...only to come to a few "dead" ends. So we gave up, and put in another movie, The Perfect Man. We watched about five minutes of it, and then fell asleep at around 2:00 in the morning.
On Saturday, we woke up at around 10:00, and we went downstairs to eat breakfast. The plan was to go bowling with the youth group from Cassie's church, so we headed back upstairs to get ready to go. We left at around 12:00, and got to the bowling alley at around 1:00.
I am horrible at bowling, and refuse to take my turn any time I have ever gone bowling. But after the first couple of times of hunking that ball down the lane, I gained some confidence, and told myself I was going to beat at least one person. (I know, what a lovely church attitude I have.) But I did! I wasn't that bad, to tell you the truth. It was a lot of fun, and we took a ton of pictures!
We got finished bowling, and took all of the kids back to the church to get picked up by their parents. Then we went to Chili's to eat supper, and we were back at the house at 5:00. I had told my mom I'd be home at 6:00, so we watched Drake and Josh with Jake.
Cassie's mom drove me home at 6:00, and I took a nap. I was SO TIRED.
On Sunday, I went to Hurricane Harbor with Kevin.
My parents were going to church, but Kevin wanted to pick me up at around 11:00, so I didn't go to church. He arrived at my house and we figured out how to get to the park. We left, and stopped at Sonic for lunch, since he trusts me in his car with food now. Lol.
Either that, or he just didn't want to eat outside!
So we ate, and then 40 minutes later, we got to the park.
It was SO HOT!! I was really scared to get on a lot of the slides, but Kevin told me that nothing bad could really happen to me, and it may've been stupid...but I trusted him. Lol. I'm a lot better with water rides anyway than I am with roller coasters. So it comforted me a little bit. We went down the biggest slides I've ever seen!! Mostly we went down slides that could have two or more people at a time on them just so we could be together.
We got up to one slide, and I freaked out while I was waiting in line. In order to be able to go on this certain ride, you had to have a HUGE float that could fit four people in it. The slide was a huge tube kind of thing that spit you out into a spiral, and made you go up REALLY high, and then swing back and forth. I got up to the point where I could see what I would have to endure, and got scared that I was going to fall right out of the float. I wanted to go back down to the ground (you know, where I'm safe) and get back in the pool because I was also burning up and felt horribly sick. Kevin looked at me. "Lindsay. I've been holding this float for 15 minutes and we are not going back down those stairs. You can if you want, but I'm going on this slide." So jeez, I went on the stupid ride. But once we went down the slide, and the water splashed me from all directions, I felt SO much better, and I had a lot of fun.
I refused to go on one slide, though. It just required one person at a time, and I wasn't fully comfortable doing anything by myself, so I waited for him to come down the slide on the side-lines. There were three slides; two of them just went straight down and then curved at the bottom to splash into the pool...but then the middle one made you go forward a little bit, and THEN drop down. So you're in mid-air for about half a second. MID-AIR. Um, yeah. No thanks. I thought it would be horrible waiting for Kevin to come down the slide, it being 106 degrees outside, but each time somebody came barreling down the slide, it would send this huge wave your way and would cool you off. So I was having fun and keeping cool at the same time. This little boy came up to me and started telling me how scared he was of the slides, and that he, too, was waiting on a friend to come down the slide. We talked about how we'd never go on any of the rides at Six Flags because they're way too scary! He talked about his friend a little bit, and asked how old I was. When I told him I was 19, he looked at me like, "Bull crap, I could date you!" Yeah. He was, um, 10?
It took Kevin probably about 30 minutes to finally get his turn to go down the slide. And when he came around to greet me, he had this look on his face that clearly said, "Oh crap." I asked him what was wrong, and he started to pat all of the pockets in his swimming trunks.
See, when we had first gotten to the park, we paid for parking, and everything. We went into the park with my backpack-purse, his keys, our ID's, some beach towels, and our tickets. We went to go stand in line to get a locker, but there was a sign up that said "Small lockers-$10" and that was all I had left. Medium lockers were $15 and Large lockers were $20. But...the small lockers were sold out. So we didn't have anywhere to put all of our stuff while we played. We went to the customer service help desk, but she really wasn't much help. She told us she couldn't do anything for us. Basically, "sucks for you. I can't do anything." So we went back to the car and put everything back in there...except for Kevin's keys to his car...which he placed safely (not) in his pockets of his swim trunks.
Okay, back to the story! So bottom line...we think that the keys just flew out of his pants when he was going down the slide at 100mph. He freaked out! He asked the lifeguard (who was a humongous jerk) what he could do about it, and she said she couldn't do anything until a certain time. So we walked around and went to each ride that we had gone on prior to this slide, and nobody had seen any keys. We went to the Lost and Found, and they hadn't been turned in. We called his parents and my parents to see if they'd get a spare key so Kevin and I could get home for the day, and worry about the other keys at a later date. But we couldn't get ahold of anybody! We walked around until it was time to go back to the last slide Kevin had gone on and asked the lifeguard if there was anything we could do at that point, and still, she told us no. Kevin held his tongue, and stomped away from her. We searched under the slide, and all around the slide, but still no sign of his keys! At this point, we were freaking out. How would we get home? What if someone found the keys and kept them? We walked back to the Lost in Found, praying that they had been found by this point. There was a different lady than there had been before, and she was a lot more helpful. We described the keys to her, "Nissan Sentra with a ring that says Lindsay on it." Because I had given him a ring with my name on it...long story. And the lady had this huge grin on her face. "These?" She asked, and handed us some keys. Sure enough, they were Kevin's keys! We were SO excited, and decided to go home after all of that excitement.
Afterwards, the real effects of the heat finally started to kick in. I felt woozy and nauseated, and just wanted to lay down. Kevin and I left and stopped by Whataburger and got two large drinks of Lemonade. I paid. Oh my God! It tasted SO GOOD. I didn't really feel all that great, even after drinking some lemonade, so Kevin insisted on taking me to my house instead of his. I begged him to take me to his house. It was still his birthday, after all, and I wanted to spend some more time with him! He said only if I felt better afterwards would he let me into his house. So I sucked it up and we got back to Roanoke without me throwing up in his car. I bet he greatly appreciated that. We got to his house, and I took a shower. I hate the feeling my hair has after I go swimming, so I just had to get it out! When I got out of the shower, I finally got my wish, and laid down for a long time.
We went downstairs and Kevin's mom had gotten a cake for him. From the ice-cream place that Kevin and I go to every time we go to Southlake now. We're pretty much addicted. The cake was an ice cream cake and was double chocolate, or something. We all sang Happy Birthday to Kevin and ate our cake in the living room while we caught up on a few subjects. The cake was SO GOOD!
Kevin and I played Scene It in the media room, and then fell asleep together on the couch. It was a good day, all in all. Minus the missing keys. Kevin has decided no more waterparks for his birthday. We've had too many unfortunate things happen to us when it comes to waterparks and Kevin's birthday. :]
I can't believe he's 20, though. I've loved growing up with him for the past couple of years, and can't wait to grow old with him.
Happy Birthday, Baby :]
About Me

- Lindsay Laird
- Texas, United States
- I'm 22 years young. I have a boyfriend; his name is Kevin Mears. We've been together for five years, and counting. I have two best friends; their names are Cassie and Courtney. I work at Teach Mart in Keller. I'm going to North Central Texas College, and I want to transfer to UNT afterwards. I'm a complete nerd, and I love Harry Potter and the Twilight series. I own every book by Meg Cabot; she's my inspiration, and my hero. I want to be an author when I "grow up."
Monday, August 4, 2008
There She Goes Again.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 2:48 PM
Labels: birthday, movies, waterparks
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