About Me

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Texas, United States
I'm 22 years young. I have a boyfriend; his name is Kevin Mears. We've been together for five years, and counting. I have two best friends; their names are Cassie and Courtney. I work at Teach Mart in Keller. I'm going to North Central Texas College, and I want to transfer to UNT afterwards. I'm a complete nerd, and I love Harry Potter and the Twilight series. I own every book by Meg Cabot; she's my inspiration, and my hero. I want to be an author when I "grow up."

Monday, January 12, 2009

Possibly the Worst Movie Ever.

So basically I had an amazing weekend.

I'm sorry that I haven't written in about...a month now. But I've been impossibly busy with the end of my first semester (which I later found out that I PASSED ALGEBRA!!!!), Christmas, and my birthday.

For as long as I can remember, I've always allowed the entire week that my birthday was in to be my birthday week. So, let's start out with last Friday. Not three days ago, more like...a week and a half ago.
I had a sleepover with my two best friends: Courtney and Cassie. Cassie came over first, and we began to watch The Others, because I had never in my life seen that movie. We watched it for about five minutes, then became consumed with conversation, as this happens frequently. About an hour later, Courtney showed up at my front door.
We started to watch the movie again, and finally finished it by about...2:00 in the morning. And can I just say...it was the worst movie ever. If you haven't seen it...don't waste your time. And sorry to those of you who love this movie. But um, it totally sucks.
I mean, really? They were afraid of the dead people, and they found out their housekeepers were dead...and then they found out they themselves were dead? Excuse me, but what the crap is that about?
And Cassie told us about this part that we had to laugh at about four minutes before it came on. The main character's (played by Nicole Kidman) husband went to war and never came back, and apparently died. So he's walking through all of the fog (which is never a good sign in scary movies) and she meets him (after swearing she was too afraid to go outside) in the fog, and she's all, "Thank God you're okay!" and he replies, so brilliantly, "Sometimes I bleed," in this thick english accent, and it's HIGHlarious.<-- I totally stole that from Forever Princess :]
I mean honestly, she not only begins to tell her children how she smuggled them to death with, um, their pillows? But then she tells them how she killed HERSELF because she was so overcome with morose and guilt from killing her own children.
Yeah. Because that's the stuff that makes a wonderful movie. Not.
So anyway, my friends and I stayed up until 4:00 in the morning...talking. Because we're girls and that's just how we roll. And then we went to bed. We woke up at 9:30 the next morning and saw Twilight :] - This was my second time to have seen it. And amazingly, Courtney loved it. Why is this so amazing? Well, the child hates Harry Potter, so I mean...really.
We walked around, and after Cassie was harrassed by a four-year-old, we left Southlake because they had to get home.
Let's see...Tuesday night, I had a family get-together that honestly lasted for about an hour. I mean, it was horrible. A couple of people showed up, and waited for everyone ELSE to show up, and then they talked and ate cake and ice cream and watched me open two presents and then they LEFT. Because...it was -- OH NO -- about 8:00 and totally past their bedtimes. But I mean, the cake was delicious (kudos to my dad) and I had fun with my parents and my sister...

Wednesday was my actual birthday. Dad took me out on the town :] We took the day off of work, and he took me to The Cheesecake Factory. YUM. We ordered pasta and cheesecake, and I swear I gained about 5 or more pounds. We saw Seven Pounds (with Will Smith) afterwards. And I mean...it was okay. Okay let me tell you about this movie. Basically, he starts to meet people over a span of, what, two months? And he asks them questions and tries to see if they are really and truly good people at heart. He meets a blind guy and makes fun of him. He meets a girl and falls in love with her whose heart is failing. He meets this nice old lady whose...liver? is failing. So at the end of the movie...he takes a really really cold bath and commits suicide, and all of his organs are salvaged because of that cold bath he took to kill himself in. So the girl gets his heart, the old lady gets the liver, and the guy gets his eyes. So the girlfriend finds out about it in the end, and walks up to the not-anymore-blind guy, and looks into his eyes and begins to cry, because...they were her boyfriend's eyes! It wasn't a BAD movie, I just didn't really get the point.
So after the movie, we walked around Southlake for a while. I bought some books and Dad bought me a book, too.

Kevin picked me up at our house at around 5:00, and he took me to P.F. Changs. He had made a reservation at 6:00, but we got there a little late, due to traffic and...lack of knowing where the restaurant was. But we finally found it, and I basically watched him eat because my pasta was horrible. It was too spicy and the noodles didn't have any flavor.
We went to Grapevine Mills afterwards, and he took me to see Twilight. He LOVED the movie. Which was so adorable because...all of the romance and whatnot. When he took me home, we sat in his car for about forty minutes, talking about Twilight. He wanted to know EVERYTHING there was to know about Twilight, and he's even excited about New Moon! Go Kev!
Oh and,
He Went To James Avery :]

I know it's blurry.

But isn't it adorable?

I've been wanting him to get me a charm bracelet for forever.

On Saturday, I had a Mother/Daughter day since I didn't get to see her much on Wednesday. We went back out to Mills, and we walked around. We stopped for lunch at The Corner Bakery, and people-watched. :] My favorite pasttime.
She took me to go see Twilight (shut up!) and SHE loved it, too!!! She wanted to see it, too! She's been reading the books. I have amazing friends and family, I know.
I had a GREAT day with my mom. I miss those days, and love it when I get to have them.

Last night, Kevin took me out to the movies. We went to Tinseltown (we went there for our first date almost three years ago) - (hold your "awww"s until the end) and ate pizza. We saw Bedtime Stories with Adam Sandler because we both wanted to see it.
I LOVED this movie, despite all of the negative reviews it was getting. I laughed so hard, and it ended wonderfully.

And hey!

Isn't that Uncle Vernon?


\Anyway, after that, Kevin and I played games in the arcade, so conveniently placed in the theater. We played air hockey and basketball, which I so horribly lost both. Isn't he supposed to let me win? I mean, what's the deal?
We then saw Unborn.
Um yeah. Crappiest. Movie. EVER.
I mean, yeah it was creepy and scary and ... gross. But honestly, the point?
Okay. This girl has a pretty normal life, it seems. Then her friend notices something is wrong with her eye, and is like, "Dude, what's wrong with your eye?" So she goes to check it out at the eye doctor. He asks her if she has a twin, and she says no. Then she goes to the place where her dad works, and he kindly excuses himself from his very important meeting, and while all of us in the audience are waiting for him to go "WHAT DO YOU WANT? I was in a VERY important meeting!" (or maybe I was the only one waiting for that) he just goes, "What's wrong, sweetheart?" Yeah.
She asks if she has a twin, and he's like, "You did, but he died in the womb because of the umbilical cord that wrapped around his throat and suffocated him to death." And she's like, "MY umbilical cord?" and totally starts to cry.
And then this little boy begins to haunt her, and she thinks it's HER BROTHER WHO DIED IN THE WOMB what, a month into the pregnancy? So the little boy wouldn't be about 8 years old if it was her brother...
But it drove her mother to insanity that her son had died, so she hung herself in the hospital.
And then she meets her grandmother for the first time, and she had a twin herself. Who died. And the grandmother tried to kill the spirit. But it didn't work.
So basically the grandmother's dead twin is haunting the girl.
Then they have an exorcism, and it kills her boyfriend. Along with everyone else...except for the Rabi, because he "believes"...
But they got rid of the creepy little boy. Who was totally like The Grudge, with that noise that kept erupting from him. And the way his mouth sometimes dangled to one side.
But honestly, it was disgusting. And actually sort of funny.
I mean, what was the deal with that dog?
Okay fine. I can't find a picture of the stupid dog. But really, his head was twisted upside-down on his neck!! I actually LAUGHED.
And those bugs?
Seriously. What did that movie have to do with BUGS?
And honestly, the whole time I was sitting in the theater, watching this girl's boyfriend, I kept saying in my head "You brought a snack." Which, you'd understand only if you've seen Twilight :]

So ... that was my week.
And it was pretty much AH-mazing.


Cassie said...

more like sexually assaulted by a four year old.