I take back everything I said about my History professor yesterday. (Was it yesterday?) I spoke to him last night, and after a few e-mails of arguing, he guaranteed a final grade of a "C" in the class for the semester.
Who's excited?
I really didn't think I was going to PASS this class, and I found out about this last night at around, um, midnight. I could NOT fall asleep after that, I was so extremely happy about it!
Yesterday was an exceptionally great day.
First, I of course had to go to work. My dad left me all by myself, so I was bored out of my mind. I forgot my book at home, so I basically stared at the wall all day.
Kevin sent me a text message at around 3:00, asking if he could come over to my house. I told him he could, and that we were having pizza for supper.
"HELLS YES!!!" was his response to this. Because...Kevin and pizza? It's as if he were in Heaven. He came to The School Zone at around 6:00, when we shut down. My mom pulled up in the parking lot at the exact same time.
My dad had already ordered the pizza, and Mom went home so Kevin and I could shut down the store, and then go grab the pizza from Pizza Hut.
We left a few minutes later, got the pizza, and drove to my house.
I had a lot of fun, actually. We ate pizza and watched TV for about an hour, then Mom went down the hall to grade papers, or something (she's a 3rd grade teacher). Dad stayed down in the living room with Kevin and me, and I pulled out the second season of Dexter. We watched one episode (we only had four left to watch anyway) and Dad went down the hall, too.
So Kevin and I watched the rest of the episodes by ourselves, and since I'd already seen it, Kevin kept asking me question after question as to what happened at the end.
Which, if you haven't watched, read, or even heard of Dexter in your life...is pretty AMAZING. As Kevin says, for a girl who hates the "F" word...I love this show.
Anyway, we finished watching the series, and I had to kick him out of the house because it was almost midnight, and I needed to go to sleep!
So we walked outside and chatted for almost 30 minutes. He was really cute and funny, and I just had a great time with him. I'm thankful, now more than ever, to have him in mylife, as I am with everyone who wants anything to do with me these days.
So basically?
My first semester of college is over!!!!
I'm passing two classes (out of three, but still).
I'm on Christmas break until January 20th.
And I'm in a wonderful mood today. :]
Comments, please.
About Me

- Lindsay Laird
- Texas, United States
- I'm 22 years young. I have a boyfriend; his name is Kevin Mears. We've been together for five years, and counting. I have two best friends; their names are Cassie and Courtney. I work at Teach Mart in Keller. I'm going to North Central Texas College, and I want to transfer to UNT afterwards. I'm a complete nerd, and I love Harry Potter and the Twilight series. I own every book by Meg Cabot; she's my inspiration, and my hero. I want to be an author when I "grow up."
Friday, December 12, 2008
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 10:14 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Cool Presents, History, and nothing to do!
Today, I'm so angry I can hardly see straight. Anybody want to guess why?
If you're thinking, "Hmm, I wonder if it has anything to do with school..." you'd be on the right track. See, I think it is my history professor's goal in life to tick me off. He assigned this essay before Thanksgiving break, and it was due the Tuesday after Thanksgiving break. I read the instructions thoroughly, and worked REALLY hard on it until I was absolutely sure I did everything right, and THEN I turned it in. Well, I didn't good as good a grade as I would've hoped. And maybe in high school if I had gotten this grade on something, I wouldn't have cared so much. But this is my GPA we're talking about. I mean, I know I'm already screwed on a 4.0 because of Algebra, but I mean...I knew I was going to fail THAT class. Because let's face it: I want to write books for a living; not learn how to do the Quadratic Formula correctly. Because that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.
Anyway, I really thought I would've gotten a pretty good grade on this history assignment. But NOOOO.
In other news, it's only 11:00, and I am at work, all by my lonesome. My dad left at around 10:30, and I have to stare at the wall until 6:00 tonight. I'm really not excited about it, and I know I'll be bored out of my mind all day long.
Any suggestions as to what to do while I'm waiting to go home?
Because I totally forgot my book at home this morning :[
Last night, Mom and I finally got to Dad. Meaning...he finally gave in to letting us open Christmas presents early. :]
I opened a present from my grandparents who live in North Carolina. In ONE box, I got a cute black purse from QVC(!), a journal with the Eiffel Tower on it, and this beautiful blanket. It's brown and it is soooo soft! In the purse were some pretty earrings, too. From my dad, I got this cool jacket (that I'm so wearing today) that looks like a sweater, but it's lined, so it's a lot warmer than it looks. It's cute!
I love opening presents early :]
So that made my day all better yesterday.
Tonight, I would love it if I could hang out with Kevin.
We talked about hanging out yesterday, but it ended up that we couldn't. :[
We might order pizza tonight, so maybe he can just come over.
We can watch Dexter!
Anyway, I guess I'll go...read Meg Cabot's blog, or something.
:] Bye!
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Lily Potter is NOT a Muggle.
So I'm pathetically obsessed with Harry Potter, if you didn't already know.
I'm so bored today, and when I'm bored, I read the weirdest things online.
I love to read parodies, and one of my favorite ones is Movies in Fifteen Minutes. I was reading a new one that I found on Google, because I've read the MIFM about a million times-- and still fall out of my chair every single time I read it.
I found some new spoofs on the first three Harry Potter movies, and they're pretty funny.
Anyway, I was reading through, and it reminded me of something.
I was wondering if anyone could explain this to me:
Why does everyone say that Harry Potter is a half-blood, instead of a pure blood? Why do people say that Lily Potter was a Muggle? Just because she was Muggle-born, doesn't mean she was a Muggle herself.
A couple of times throughout the books, it is said that Harry is a half-blood. But both of his parents went to -- and met at -- Hogwarts. So apparently neither of them were Muggles, therefore Harry is a pure blood.
I know, I'm just being a nerd.
But can someone PLEASE explain this to me?
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Writing, Meg Cabot, and Harry Potter
Wow, it's definitely been a while since I've written anything in here. Sorry about that!
Today I'm at work, and I'm not feeling to great. My throat hurts, and I'm over-heated for some reason. I couldn't stay home, though; Dad had things to do and people to see.
Anyway, I've been trying my hardest these days to write a book. I just...don't really know where to begin. I mean, basically, I've started about five or six books. One of them is a horror novel that I wrote four chapters for, but apparently only saved the first chapter, considering that's all I can find. The second one is a love story that I wrote when I was twelve. Yeah, that's how old I was when I figured out that I love to write. Then about three years later, I read over it, and realized it was the dumbest thing I've ever written. I sat down and started to write something else. Some other love story, I'm sure...that later seemed even more stupid than the first one. When I was seventeen, and a junior in high school, quite a few things happened to me. I met one of my best friends, I met my boyfriend (that I still have), and I finally grew up, and changed my view on life. I started to write a book about how I met this guy and then we broke up, and then I met Kevin. I talked about my best friend and my algebra class. I talked about how much I loved Choir and how much I hated my first English teacher. But then I lost my best friend about two years later (earlier this year) and it became difficult to write and continue on with this story about how much I loved her and having her in my life.
I realized later that this novel is supposed to be, um, FICTION. But basically, all I'm doing is writing about my life.
And what I'm wondering is...
Is that okay?
To write a "fictional" story about...my life?
Because I've always been told to write what I know. And I only know what's happened to me.
So, that makes sense, right?
I mean, obviously that horror story I mentioned earlier never actually happened to me...but it's like the Twilight series, and how Stephenie Meyer came to write about it. It came to her in a dream and she fell in love with the characters.
That happened to me, so I had to write it down.
The only difference is...I really don't have that much discipline to write THE WHOLE BOOK. Just, you know, a few chapters, and then set it aside because I get stuck.
As most of you probably know, Meg Cabot is my all time favorite author, and I only hope to one day be as great as her. A new Meg Cabot book is the best thing in the world, let me tell you. She makes me fall in love with the characters. If the character is sad or depressed, I'M sad. If the character is happy and starts with this random sarcasm, I laugh out loud. I love a book that makes me laugh so hard, and that's what Meg's books do for me.Last night, I was looking at my bookcase. It's a small bookcase that's right next to my bed, and has Meg Cabot books galore. Well, the first two shelves, anyway.
<-- See the Princess Diaries and the Queen of Babble books?
Anyway, I was thinking about how amazing she is to have time to lead a normal life and write all of these books. And then some, because I cannot find the Patricia Cabot romance books ANYWHERE to save my life. So basically, yeah, I want to BE her. Or at least as amazing as her. I guess I really just need to sit down and write. I really need to have deadlines, though. I need to have that discipline and that...I don't know. I mean, it's fun for me and I want more than anything to get a book (or, you know, five thousand. Whatever) published. I just feel like I never will.
Anyway, I am obsessed with Meg's blog, and I read it everytime she posts a new one. And do you know what I found out? That it's easier than ever to get a book signed by her.
How COOL would that be?
You not only get a book signed by her, but all of this too! (While supplies lasts.)
Ahhh. My birthday is the DAY AFTER Princess Diaries: Forever Princess hits the bookshelves. And do you know how many people know that I LOVE PD, and everyone is going to buy me this book AND Ransom My Heart -- because I'm totally excited about that one, too.
Except that...Meg has videos on her website that says both of the books are coming out in DECEMBER. Why change the date?
It's like the whole Harry Potter/Twilight thing.
Anyway, I have homework to do.
Update later.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
In a Nutshell.
All day, I've been reading Princess Diaries: Princess on the Brink. I forgot how FUNNY that book is. It's freaking hilarious! And yeah, sure, they break up and it sucks and I cried and so I'm scared to read the last book, which was my plan, because, well, I'll cry even MORE. I mean, I guess it would make me feel a little better about myself and MY life...but seriously, what it all comes down to is: it's a book, and instead of Tinaland, I live in Lindsayland. And in no way would it ACTUALLY make me feel better about myself.
Dude, you can so tell I've been reading Meg Cabot all day long.
Last night, of course, was Halloween. I was invited to go to my friend, Cassie's, church party and had really been looking forward to it basically all week. Then, I got sick around Tuesday, and am STILL sick! So, I didn't get to go last night, and was pretty upset about the whole thing. But...Kevin to the rescue!! He showed up last night at around 7:00, and we watched Halloween (the original) with my parents. Then just Kevin and I watched a show based on a book by Stephen King that I have never heard of in my life, called "The Night Flier" and let me tell you, I've never seen a vampire that was THAT ugly.
Ha, he had nothing on Edward Cullen.
As for my room, it's pretty much finished, thank GOD. I missed my bed so much! But the first night in my new room, I had watched Nightmare on Elm Street with my parents...and even though it was the STUPIDEST movie in the world - that totally scared the crap out of me when I was younger - I still couldn't quite get to sleep comfortably.
I know. I KNOW.
But my room is SOOO pretty! I feel like I should do a million things for my dad, but I don't know where to start. I mean, he's basically the reason why my room got finished so quickly, let alone at all.
It's soooo gorgeous!
The walls were painted a turquoise-y color, and the trim around my doors and stuff is this dark, chocolatey brown.
My comforter and curtains match, and they match the walls :D
So, tomorrow, I'm going to Canton with my parents and my sister. I think I've been one time, and I'm pretty excited about it. Because, well, for one thing, I finally get to get out of this house to go somewhere OTHER than work. And for another thing? I just get excited to spend a day with my family.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
What's New
So my life has been pretty wacko this past week.
Let me start from the beginning.
Saturday afternoon was my relax day. I didn't have any homework, and Mom was cleaning the house. She told me to start cleaning my room and start to get rid of the things that I don't want anymore because I want to re-do my room. So I started to move stuff around by my bed, and I picked up a pillow ... and the nastiest smell hit me.
I began to dig more and found that my quilt, which was on the floor, was soaking wet! I yelled for my mom, and we started to throw things away and move more stuff around. Come to find out, my whole floor underneath my window and my dresser was soaked.
I left that evening to go to Kevin's house, and while I was gone, my parents basically threw everything out of my room. The next day, I didn't have carpet in my room.
We later found out that the sprinklers in our front yard have been going off in the morning and just spraying the wall outside my room. The bricks finally just let go, and the water slowly seeped into my room.
Since Sunday night, I've been sleeping down in the den, whether it be on the couch, or on the fancy-shmancy blow up bed we have.
I miss my room more than I can say. I am VERY excited for this to be finished, over, finito. I can't wait to have a "big girl" room. And I'm so thankful to have family that would go through all of this trouble just so I can have a bedroom....the way that I want it.
In other news...things are definitely looking up.
Last night, I got a text message from a person I haven't talked to in quite a few months.
I miss her more than words can say, and basically cried myself to sleep the other night because of how much I miss her. She told me she wants to be friends again because she can't imagine ever having a friend like me again.
I hope we can be friends again, like we were before, and maybe better.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
R.L. Stine.
When I was younger, my favorite author of all time was R.L. Stine. I loved the fact that I could read a book late at night, before I went to sleep, and it would give me nightmares. I began to collect every single one of Stine's books, and fell in love with his writing; his stories. The only thing that really upset me, though, was that his books always had a happy ending. Which really, is horrible to say. But come on! If you're going to write a scary story, at least kill someone off at the end. Jeez. I mean, I kind of understand why his books had to have happy endings, him being a children's author after all.
But still.
So right now, I'm reading Halloween Night by R.L. Stine. I started reading it this morning, and I'm almost finished with it. Maybe it's because it's almost Halloween and I'm really excited. Maybe I'm just reminscing. I've been doing that quite a bit lately.
But now, when you go to a bookstore, you can see a whole display of Stine's old and new books. And can I just say, the new Stine books look like the dumbest thing in the world. I guess I should really keep my mouth shut until I actually read any of these books...but they don't look anywhere near as good as the classics.
Like the babysitter stories, when the call is coming from INside the house.
Or the Night of the Living Dummy.
Or Goosebumps!
But what is this crap about Horrorland? It looks like an amusement park that comes alive. I don't get it.
I'd be scared if I was babysitting, and a murderer was in the house.
Or my doll came to life.
But seriously? A roller coaster chasing you.
I really just pulled that out of my butt; I don't know what these Horrorland books are about.
I guess what I'm trying to say is...when I become a famous writer, because I know I will...eventually...I don't want to be famous for, say, five years, and then I lose my touch. Or people stop reading my books and stop looking up to me.
Because that's totally my goal: I want people to look up to me, and say to themselves, "Wow! She's a great writer! I want to be like her one day!" Kind of like I am with Meg Cabot. :D
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 2:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
This past weekend was pretty much amazing.
My friend, Courtney, is away at college about 45 minutes away, and is NEVER home. She kept telling me every weekend that we needed to get together, but she could never pull away from her friends there. Then, Friday afternoon, she came home! I was bored at work all day Friday, and desperately needed her.
So we decided that I'd spend the night at her house that night. She picked me up at around 5:30, and we went to Wal-Mart so she could shop for one of her friends. Then, we went back to her house. We mostly hung out with her parents, watching movies, eating pizza. I fell asleep during a movie we were watching on TV. I woke up when there was only about ten minutes left of the movie, and so I watched it. When it was over, Courtney wanted to go into the office, and play on the computer. We looked at MySpace and Facebook...and our old favorite Homestarrunner dot com. :]
After making fun of it like old times, and meeting some new people on Facebook, we decided it was time to go to bed, it being around 2:00 in the morning.
Courtney didn't wake up until around 11:30 the next morning, which is late for us. I had been laying in bed, awake, for about an hour. Once she was awake, we went downstairs and watched Punk'd. We decided to go out to Southlake for that day, so we went back upstairs to get dressed. For about an hour, I sat in her chair while Courtney washed her hair and put on her makeup.
We finally got out of the house, and arrived at Southlake about fifteen minutes later. We went to Snuffers for lunch, which really isn't that great, and then began to shop around. We went to Buckle and Victoria's Secret, and some other places too.
My dad called me around 4:00 to tell me that I needed to get home, so Courtney took me back to The School Zone and I called Kevin. He had wanted to get together to go to Octoberfest, which is really just a lot of booths set up with jewelry and crafts and stuff. But it was at Southlake, and he said that since I'd already been there, then there was no point in us going. But he picked me up a little bit after 5:00, and we decided to go anyway, since I hadn't walked around the booths before, with Courtney.
First, we went to American Eagle, since we were already close by. I bought a sleeveless shirt, and put it on since it was really hot outside, and I was wearing a long-sleeve shirt before. We walked around through the booths, down each and every sidewalk, stopping at almost all of the booths. It was a lot of fun to walk around, hand in hand with Kevin, the cool breeze in the air.
I love just doing random things with him, so it's not the same ol' thing every time.
Afterwards, we went to Chili's, and I paid for supper. He got some pasta, and we shared it, and dessert: a chocolate chip molten cake. YUM.
We went back to his house and watched an episode of Dexter since I had left the DVD over there the last time I had gone. He got really interested, and wanted to keep the DVD at his house. I told him he could watch the rest of the DVD, but he said he'd wait until I could go over there so we could watch it together.
We took a couple of pictures, and had a great time.
All in all, it was a fun weekend. I loved seeing Courtney, and getting to hang out with Kevin.
I love him<3
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Happy Two Years :]
Today is mine and Kevin's "two-year" anniversary. :]
It wasn't the best day..but it wasn't horrible, either.
He kept telling me that he would try to make it as special as possible, make me lunch at his house, watch movies all day...until 5:30 because he has school at 6:00 every Tuesday and Thursday.
So I woke up this morning in high hopes, put my best dress on, in a sense, and got to work really happy, Kevin's present tucked deep down in my purse.
Well, I got a phone call from Kevin at around 11:00. He told me that his dad needed to take his car, so he was car-less for the day. He did everything he could to get to me, though. He went across the street and asked his friend if he could borrow his car for a mere FIVE MINUTES. But no. No, his friend had to go somewhere.
So, I cried. I completely bit my tongue, though. I didn't say anything I shouldn't have. I was just...SO MAD. I mean, today was supposed to be perfect. Today was just so important to me. But I guess it was my fault for thinking that something could actually work out for a change.
He told me he was sorry about a million times. He told me he had gotten out stuff to make burgers and make home-made macaroni (my favorite food EVER). Which, by the way, was supposed to be a surprise.
Kevin called me again at around 3:45. His dad had just gotten home and he wanted to know if I still wanted to come over. I sighed at the thought of only getting to see him for an hour...but it was better than nothing. So I told him to be at The School Zone as soon as he could. He got there at around 4:00, and I (supposedly) told my dad I would be back by 5:00. Well...Kevin made just normal macaroni, and we watched South Park and laughed at how retarded it was (well, I did) and talked to Kyle. I gave him his present (a ring I ordered that's black and has a silver tribal engravement thing...it's really cool) and he absolutely LOVED it. So that made me really happy! We talked for a while, and I guess just lost track of time. Because the next time we looked at the clock...it was 5:30. At around that time, my dad called me and asked where I was in his I'm-mad-but-I'm-trying-to-stay-calm voice.
So Kevin dropped me back off at work, and he zoomed off to school.
I had a fun time with him. Too bad things didn't work out the way I wanted them to. But...it was still good to see him on our anniversary.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 6:29 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
That's Crazy, Man.
I'm just...I'm so freaking tired.
I took a math test yesterday morning at 9. And I pretty much, um, failed it. I'm going to die because of this class. Either because my head hurts so much from staring at jumbled up letters and numbers that my brain fries...or my dad kills me because I fail this class. You know. Whatever.
But then my mom came and picked me up from the school at around 10:30. We went shopping at the mall, and then went to Wal-Mart :] I bought some hair dye (dark brown) and colored my hair last night! It turned out SO MUCH better than it did the last time I tried to dye my hair brown. Which...mostly ended up on my dad's rug in his bathroom instead of my hair :-/
I had a great time with my mom. Even though I do drive her crazy. Ha-ha.
We were supposed to go shopping again today. But...we didn't. :[
I have tons of homework, and apparently, so does she.
I have a history test on Tuesday, that's hopefully in the evening. (Yeah, yeah. It's in two days and I don't know what time the test is. Shut-up.) But I'd really love to spend some time with Kevin on that day, it being our anniversary, and all. Plus, I bought him a present :] that I hope he likes!!!!
Anyway, I better get back to my study guide for my test on Tuesday so I don't fail TWO tests.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Update :]
I talked to Kevin earlier, and though he's halfway asleep from all of his medicine (I got him sick), he did remember our anniversary. He said he wouldn't know if he would have enough money to take me out, but maybe we could just hang out on the actual day...and then we could celebrate it on a later date when we have enough money to go out and do something.
So yay! I'm excited! And SO HAPPY that he remembered :]
I'm shopping for him, too. Nothing too big...but I hope he likes it anyway.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 7:20 PM 0 comments
Fact or Fable?
This morning, I woke up at 11:30. Which, by the way, is late for me! I went down the hall, and just walked around the kitchen, my mom being on the phone with my dad. They talked for a few more minutes and then my mom hung up the phone.
"Well, well, it's about time you woke up!" she said to me.
I mean, I'm sorry I woke up a little late so I couldn't help Dad out at work today, but come on! I took Nyquil last night before I went to sleep, so I'm going to be a little tired. Plus...it's nap weather out the wahoo today :]
Anyway, I have a few things that I need to do for school:
I have to write a paper for English.
I have to study for my history and math exams coming up.
And I have to finish my math homework :[
For the English paper, I have to copy and paste (pretty much) a fable- a long fable- and then put the moral to the story in my own words, and then I have to conclude it with an analogy. So I have to compare the fable that I choose to an experience that could happen in real life. I mean, that's what I'm getting out of it, anyway.
So I think later...I'm going to pop open Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire since that's my FAVORITE book, and then afterwards, possibly take a nap.
Oh, why not do that now? The paper's not due til tomorrow! And my exams aren't until NEXT week. So, you know, whatever.
I think something is bothering me, though. Like, that in a week I have to take (and probably fail) an Algebra test. Or maybe it's that this next Tuesday (not as in in the next three days...but a week from this Tuesday) is mine and Kevin's "anniversary" and I don't know if he'll even try to do anything for it, let alone remember it. Plus, well, he has evening classes every Tuesday and Thursday. And my history exam is on that day. But still...we could squeeze in a lunch date, right? Oh, I don't know. I'm just...scared it doesn't matter to him anymore. Like so many other things.
I did have a dream about him last night.
We were in high school still, and it was supposed to be pouring down rain. And I was scared that I was going to be soaked the second I stepped outside. Kevin, seeming to read my mind, went to an old teacher's classroom (Mr. Palermo) and tried to open the door. But the teacher came out to the hallway and said that his classroom was closed. But Kevin stuck a 10 dollar bill in the crack of the door, and then got the teacher's huge umbrella that could cover 4+ people out of his classroom somehow. He opened it up, and we walked proudly down the hallway as people pointed and laughed at us. I thought it was the sweetest thing ever, though, and didn't care what other people were saying. By the time we got outside, it was pouring down rain. Kevin told me to stay where I was while he got his car because he was taking me home. So I stood on the sidewalk, and he ran out into the rain.
I don't know. I thought it was a cute dream. How he was doing everything for me that he could think of.
Well, I better get started on this paper.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 12:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Algebra Blues.
Yep I have them. Everyone gets them, it seems. But I have them BAD. I don't know if I'll be able to pass the upcoming test, let alone this class! Oh well, at least I still have my friends, right?
Anyway, I'm still sick at home. Oh yeah, I've been sick at home since Tuesday. TUESDAY. That's what, FOUR DAYS? And yes, I just counted on my fingers how many days that was. Your point is? For these four days, I have barely been able to talk or really do anything for that matter. Today though, I feel much better! Well, better than I did a couple of days ago. My stomach is killing me!! I don't know why. There I was just watching my favorite channel: The Discovery Health Channel, when all of a sudden, my stomach started grumbling. I thought it was because I was hungry, but no! No, I got up, my dog, Maggie, running to my side like she knew what was going to happen, and I practically fell over! What was wrong with me? Why, I have no idea. I think I just have some dizziness from not eating lunch. Because guess what? I was doing my Algebra homework from 11:00 this morning to 2:00 this afternoon. So...no lunch for me!
So now I'm trying to be creative and come up with some way to pass algebra and, well, get a book published in the near future. But I'm coming up blank. I think I need some help :[
ps- Does anybody have any good websites for layouts for blogger?
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Banana Cream.
I had a great day yesterday, even though it didn't start out so wonderful.
Mom and I both had a dentist appointment at 9:00 yesterday morning. It's funny, when I was younger, I loved visits to the dentist. Probably just so I could have another reason to be different than any other child...but whatever. My mom got called back first, and I waited for a long freaking time before I was called back. But I don't remember a teeth cleaning ever hurting so bad! He scraped and flossed and brushed, and scraped some more! It was disgusting, and sounded even worse. My mouth has hurt all day today, and I could barely eat anything.
Kevin and I talked about hanging out last night, but he kept calling me and telling me that his mom wanted to be with him for his birthday, and maybe take him out to dinner. A dinner to which I was later invited. We went to The Cheesecake Factory after I got off of work at 5:00. I missed that place SO MUCH! I haven't been since...my birthday back in January. And hope to go back in September... :]
Anyway, we ate our supper and chatted a lot. Because Lord knows when women get together, we talk a lot! It came to be dessert time, and Kevin ordered a Banana Cream cheesecake...which I was very proud of him for because, um, bananas are good for you. But whatever. It was delicious!!! Mom got her own cheesecake and a latte. Which I really wanted, but my body can't really take coffee at night. :-/
I had a lot of fun with Kevin last night. I took a couple of pictures of his birthday cheesecake! And of him blowing out his candle. I could only use my cell phone for pictures, my camera not working, and his...is never taken into public.
So I hope he had a great birthday this year. :]
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 5:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
There She Goes Again.
So I've had a pretty good weekend :]
On Friday night, I was supposed to go to the Barnes and Noble Breaking Dawn party with Cassie, but she didn't want to go anymore because she started to read up on it, and it seemed freakier than we thought.
So I just spent the night at her house, and we watched Penelope, and sat on her bed and talked for forever. We ate pizza for supper up in her room, and played on her laptop. We tried to figure a few things out...only to come to a few "dead" ends. So we gave up, and put in another movie, The Perfect Man. We watched about five minutes of it, and then fell asleep at around 2:00 in the morning.
On Saturday, we woke up at around 10:00, and we went downstairs to eat breakfast. The plan was to go bowling with the youth group from Cassie's church, so we headed back upstairs to get ready to go. We left at around 12:00, and got to the bowling alley at around 1:00.
I am horrible at bowling, and refuse to take my turn any time I have ever gone bowling. But after the first couple of times of hunking that ball down the lane, I gained some confidence, and told myself I was going to beat at least one person. (I know, what a lovely church attitude I have.) But I did! I wasn't that bad, to tell you the truth. It was a lot of fun, and we took a ton of pictures!
We got finished bowling, and took all of the kids back to the church to get picked up by their parents. Then we went to Chili's to eat supper, and we were back at the house at 5:00. I had told my mom I'd be home at 6:00, so we watched Drake and Josh with Jake.
Cassie's mom drove me home at 6:00, and I took a nap. I was SO TIRED.
On Sunday, I went to Hurricane Harbor with Kevin.
My parents were going to church, but Kevin wanted to pick me up at around 11:00, so I didn't go to church. He arrived at my house and we figured out how to get to the park. We left, and stopped at Sonic for lunch, since he trusts me in his car with food now. Lol.
Either that, or he just didn't want to eat outside!
So we ate, and then 40 minutes later, we got to the park.
It was SO HOT!! I was really scared to get on a lot of the slides, but Kevin told me that nothing bad could really happen to me, and it may've been stupid...but I trusted him. Lol. I'm a lot better with water rides anyway than I am with roller coasters. So it comforted me a little bit. We went down the biggest slides I've ever seen!! Mostly we went down slides that could have two or more people at a time on them just so we could be together.
We got up to one slide, and I freaked out while I was waiting in line. In order to be able to go on this certain ride, you had to have a HUGE float that could fit four people in it. The slide was a huge tube kind of thing that spit you out into a spiral, and made you go up REALLY high, and then swing back and forth. I got up to the point where I could see what I would have to endure, and got scared that I was going to fall right out of the float. I wanted to go back down to the ground (you know, where I'm safe) and get back in the pool because I was also burning up and felt horribly sick. Kevin looked at me. "Lindsay. I've been holding this float for 15 minutes and we are not going back down those stairs. You can if you want, but I'm going on this slide." So jeez, I went on the stupid ride. But once we went down the slide, and the water splashed me from all directions, I felt SO much better, and I had a lot of fun.
I refused to go on one slide, though. It just required one person at a time, and I wasn't fully comfortable doing anything by myself, so I waited for him to come down the slide on the side-lines. There were three slides; two of them just went straight down and then curved at the bottom to splash into the pool...but then the middle one made you go forward a little bit, and THEN drop down. So you're in mid-air for about half a second. MID-AIR. Um, yeah. No thanks. I thought it would be horrible waiting for Kevin to come down the slide, it being 106 degrees outside, but each time somebody came barreling down the slide, it would send this huge wave your way and would cool you off. So I was having fun and keeping cool at the same time. This little boy came up to me and started telling me how scared he was of the slides, and that he, too, was waiting on a friend to come down the slide. We talked about how we'd never go on any of the rides at Six Flags because they're way too scary! He talked about his friend a little bit, and asked how old I was. When I told him I was 19, he looked at me like, "Bull crap, I could date you!" Yeah. He was, um, 10?
It took Kevin probably about 30 minutes to finally get his turn to go down the slide. And when he came around to greet me, he had this look on his face that clearly said, "Oh crap." I asked him what was wrong, and he started to pat all of the pockets in his swimming trunks.
See, when we had first gotten to the park, we paid for parking, and everything. We went into the park with my backpack-purse, his keys, our ID's, some beach towels, and our tickets. We went to go stand in line to get a locker, but there was a sign up that said "Small lockers-$10" and that was all I had left. Medium lockers were $15 and Large lockers were $20. But...the small lockers were sold out. So we didn't have anywhere to put all of our stuff while we played. We went to the customer service help desk, but she really wasn't much help. She told us she couldn't do anything for us. Basically, "sucks for you. I can't do anything." So we went back to the car and put everything back in there...except for Kevin's keys to his car...which he placed safely (not) in his pockets of his swim trunks.
Okay, back to the story! So bottom line...we think that the keys just flew out of his pants when he was going down the slide at 100mph. He freaked out! He asked the lifeguard (who was a humongous jerk) what he could do about it, and she said she couldn't do anything until a certain time. So we walked around and went to each ride that we had gone on prior to this slide, and nobody had seen any keys. We went to the Lost and Found, and they hadn't been turned in. We called his parents and my parents to see if they'd get a spare key so Kevin and I could get home for the day, and worry about the other keys at a later date. But we couldn't get ahold of anybody! We walked around until it was time to go back to the last slide Kevin had gone on and asked the lifeguard if there was anything we could do at that point, and still, she told us no. Kevin held his tongue, and stomped away from her. We searched under the slide, and all around the slide, but still no sign of his keys! At this point, we were freaking out. How would we get home? What if someone found the keys and kept them? We walked back to the Lost in Found, praying that they had been found by this point. There was a different lady than there had been before, and she was a lot more helpful. We described the keys to her, "Nissan Sentra with a ring that says Lindsay on it." Because I had given him a ring with my name on it...long story. And the lady had this huge grin on her face. "These?" She asked, and handed us some keys. Sure enough, they were Kevin's keys! We were SO excited, and decided to go home after all of that excitement.
Afterwards, the real effects of the heat finally started to kick in. I felt woozy and nauseated, and just wanted to lay down. Kevin and I left and stopped by Whataburger and got two large drinks of Lemonade. I paid. Oh my God! It tasted SO GOOD. I didn't really feel all that great, even after drinking some lemonade, so Kevin insisted on taking me to my house instead of his. I begged him to take me to his house. It was still his birthday, after all, and I wanted to spend some more time with him! He said only if I felt better afterwards would he let me into his house. So I sucked it up and we got back to Roanoke without me throwing up in his car. I bet he greatly appreciated that. We got to his house, and I took a shower. I hate the feeling my hair has after I go swimming, so I just had to get it out! When I got out of the shower, I finally got my wish, and laid down for a long time.
We went downstairs and Kevin's mom had gotten a cake for him. From the ice-cream place that Kevin and I go to every time we go to Southlake now. We're pretty much addicted. The cake was an ice cream cake and was double chocolate, or something. We all sang Happy Birthday to Kevin and ate our cake in the living room while we caught up on a few subjects. The cake was SO GOOD!
Kevin and I played Scene It in the media room, and then fell asleep together on the couch. It was a good day, all in all. Minus the missing keys. Kevin has decided no more waterparks for his birthday. We've had too many unfortunate things happen to us when it comes to waterparks and Kevin's birthday. :]
I can't believe he's 20, though. I've loved growing up with him for the past couple of years, and can't wait to grow old with him.
Happy Birthday, Baby :]
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 2:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: birthday, movies, waterparks
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Time For You.
I just wanted to update you a little bit on what's been going on.
Well, yesterday, Dad and I went to NCTC and I registered for classes. I'm taking an English class, a History class, and a Math class. The only one I'm excited about, of course, is the English class. But I'm really just excited for the classes to start! Dad keeps telling me to read the History book that we bought front to back so I'd know everything before I started classes.
Yeah. Right.
Anyway, while we were at the college, we bought a college writing book too, and two shirts that say NCTC LIONS on them :]
I wore one of them to work yesterday!
Classes start August 23rd!! (Which, yes, it's a Saturday...but still!! I'm excited :] )
So that's what's new with college...
I've been reading this series of books. They're by Stephenie Meyer and it's called The Twilight Series. They're about this girl who meets this boy and they fall in love. Then she finds out he's a vampire, so she strives for him to make her a vampire so they could live together forever. And then she meets another boy who likes her and she finds out that he's a werewolf. Vampires and werewolves are enemies, so she can't be friends with both, so she has to choose.
Anyway, it's a VERY good love story, and they're good page-turners. The movie comes out in December, and I'm definitely going to see it.
The fourth book in the series comes out this weekend (August 2nd) and at Barnes and Noble, they're having a midnight party for it, and at midnight, the book goes on sale, and you can buy it. My best friend, Cassie, and I are going since she's the one who got me into these books. So I'm spending the night at her house Friday night, we're going to the party, and then the next day we're going bowling (yay. Not.) with her youth group from church. I'm so going to throw the ball at fourteen people, I just know it.
Monday is Kevin's 20th birthday, so on Sunday, we're going to Hurricane Harbor all day! I'm SOOO excited. I bought the tickets yesterday, and they cost around 40 bucks. So, it wasn't horrible, I guess. On Monday, I hope Dad lets me stay home so I can spend time with Kevin on his actual birthday.
Those are my plans for the weekend. I'm really looking forward to it!!!
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Movie Madness.
So I got home about an hour ago from spending time with Kevin<3
He had the day off, so we planned to spend a few hours together after I got off of work.
My mom dropped by at The School Zone at 4:30 (we close at 5:00), and she dropped me off at Kevin's house. I watched him play WoW for a little bit, and then I finally got bored. I suggested we have a movie marathon, so we went into the media room to try to find something on the movie channels. Come to find out, they didn't have movie channels anymore, so we watched Wrestling Olympics (Yeah, I know) for 15 minutes and then went downstairs to try to find something to watch.
Kevin decided to go to BlockBuster to rent some movies, so we left. I noticed the sky was very dark. "Is it going to rain tonight?" I wondered aloud.
We went to Chili's first so he could get his schedule for the week, and then we headed off to go get movies! We walked around and chatted for a while, and we finally decided on The Eye and Superhero Movie.
We left there and Kevin called in to Chili's To Go so he could have something to eat, but I wasn't hungry, so I didn't get anything. By the time we left BlockBuster, the bottom dropped out of the sky. Rain pelted the car from every direction, but Kevin didn't see this as a problem. Oh no. He took his hands of the wheel, he sang at the top of his lungs to the radio, and when he talked to me, he looked at me. ME. NOT THE ROAD! Oh yeah, I felt safe. Not.
So he got out in the Chili's parking lot, and I sat there. And I sat there. And then, guess what? I sat there some more. It took them FOREVER to make his food. Seriously, four people pulled up and left with food before Kevin finally came out of there.
Kevin's rule is "No food or drinks in the brand new car" but lo and behold! There he was with a coke and pasta! Go figure.
We left, movies and food in tow, and we finally got back safely.
Kevin ate his food REALLY fast, and we went upstairs. We watched The Eye first, and then Superhero Movie. I LOVED The Eye, and my stomach hurt from laughing so hard through Superhero Movie. I kid you not. I could not stop laughing!
When the movies were over, I got hungry, so we went downstairs and I ate a breakfast bar, because God forbid that family goes grocery shopping. I grabbed a Vitamin Water from the fridge, and we left.
"Uh, don't bring that drink in my car! You know my rule," he told me.
"Yeah. Okay, Mister-I-Just-Ate-Pasta-In-My-Brand-New-Car. I'm bringing this." Then I turned around. "I'll keep it closed," I assured him.
So he let me bring the drink.
Then he took me home, and we had a good time just chatting.
I love him. I really do. No matter what. Yeah, we fight. But who doesn't?
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
I Don't Care What They Say.
Last night, I'm pretty sure God was testing me...through Kevin.
He asked me if I really wanted to be with him, or if I was just saying that because I didn't want to flush over two years down the drain.
And the truth is...I love him. I love him more than anything in this world, and I mean that with all of my heart.
Every movie that I have ever watched; every book that I have ever read has told me that I should never date anybody that I don't see myself marrying. And I think throughout middle school and high school, I've only had one relationship that I definitely couldn't see myself with him for the rest of my life. He was just...for fun. But with Kevin, I'm pretty sure that I could spend the rest of my life with him.
I also asked him if we were good for each other, and he said, "Some people think so, some say we're not." And that really hurt. When we first started going out, people were always saying what a cute couple we made, and how perfect we were for each other.
And now? Now people see me as immature, and not anywhere good enough for Kevin.
It used to be the other way around...where I was the better person. I was the best thing that ever happened to him, and I chose him. He wasn't good enough for me. I didn't see it that way, of course. I know I am the best thing that could ever happen to him. But I know he's more than good enough for me.
I don't just want to stay with him because I don't want to flush two plus years down the drain. I don't just want to stay with him so I can show everybody that they were wrong. Because they are wrong.
Nobody's perfect, and everybody deserves a second chance.
I just wish that people would get to know me before they started making assumptions and accusations. I'm not who they think I am; I'm so much better than that.
I wish that Kevin would tell everyone they're wrong, and that we're right for each other.
I feel like he's the one that let's them talk; let's them think like that.
I don't know...I'm having an off day today. I'm tired, I have a headache, I forgot about a million things at home today, and I'm hungry.
I just wish I could figure out what was wrong with me. So I could get to feeling better. I wish I knew where life was taking me so I could make the right decisions. Or at least, the best ones for me.
Okay, so my mom just called me about 10 minutes ago, and said she got this big envelope that said, "Open Immediately!!! Important test results inside!"
See, I took the THEA about a week ago, and I'm just now getting results. I only had to take the math portion, having been exempt from the reading and writing portions!!!!
My mom said that I passed!!!!!! Probably barely (I made a 242 and the minimum grade is 230) but still!!! I passed!!
Aaaaahhhh!! :]
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 1:24 PM 2 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
Mr. Right.
Okay, so I remember, about two and a half years ago, when I was with Austin, I had a dream.
We were at school, and for some reason, there was a flood, and everybody was running (or I guess, swimming. Ha-ha.) like crazy. Austin was holding my hand, making sure he didn't lose me…and despite the fact that either of us could actually die in a flood…I wanted to know how he would react if he did, in fact, "lose me." So I sort of just…let my hands fall out of his. And the sad part was, he didn't even acknowledge the fact that maybe his girlfriend was in trouble. That maybe, he'd lost me forever. But I am actually a very good swimmer, so I didn't really drown, or anything. I just wanted to make him think he'd lost me forever. I wanted to know if he'd give me a second thought, if he really cared about me, if he really loved me. I wanted to know if he'd be sad that I was gone. If he'd be relieved, even happy. And yeah, I was thinking all of this while I was trying to get through the school, and out of the flood that I could've died in. But, as I said before, I am a pretty good swimmer, so I just kind of…waded in the water and watched Austin swim away from me, not once turning around to see if I was okay, or why, all of a sudden, he didn't have to hold on to something else—me.
I remember crying when I woke up from this dream. I felt as if God was trying to tell me that I was wasting my time with Austin; that he wasn't the right guy for me. And I had felt so sure that he was. Right for me, I mean.
I thought maybe we were just going through a rough period of our relationship (and we were—he was breaking up with me) and that we'd eventually get through it. I think I did just love him so much, I wish that's what that dream meant.
But last night? Last night, I had basically the same dream. It started out (and ended) totally different.
Kevin and I were in this race, and we were against each other. We were driving these kind of race cars, I guess, and, well, he won, of course. Me not being able to drive, and all. At the finish line, there was all this water, and we had to join each other in the race, and be against everybody else. It was a brand new race, and the finish line, for some reason, was a lake. We had to go through and follow a path around, and get to the lake before anybody else. I was trying to work out a strategy, but Kevin just jumped into the water (that wasn't the lake) and started trying to get to the lake really fast. But he ran into a wall that had a sign that said, "If you jump over this wall, you will be disqualified. This is not the way to the lake." So he screamed for me to swim over to him. I looked down at myself, and I was wearing my favorite pair of jeans, and I didn't want to get my shoes dirty, either. But I shrugged my shoulders, and jumped in the water too. I swam over to him, and I started complaining, "Man, I really liked these jeans!" And Kevin smiled and said, "Me too." I glared at him. "My jeans or your jeans?" I asked him. "Your jeans, of course." I knew it was the real Kevin after that; that's so something he'd say. Eventually, we found a way to the lake, and thankfully, there was nobody already there. As we were wading through the water, the water was over both of our heads, but he was determined to keep going. He kept holding my hand, and if I tripped over something, his grip would get tighter. I had a vague flashback to the Austin dream, but mostly I think I was actually dying. I couldn't hold my breath for any longer. But I also wondered to myself if Kevin could live without me. I wondered how he'd feel if he lost me. Would he even try to save me? So I, again, sort of just…let my fingers fall out of his. I remember falling, falling to the bottom. My eyes closing. The last thing I saw was Kevin stopping, turning around, and his eyes widening as he realized that I was gone. I said my silent goodbye, and closed my eyes for good. I knew it was the end. But the next thing I knew, I was being laid down on the cold, hard floor of the school hallway. I opened my eyes slowly, and Kevin was above me, tears streaming down his face, his eyes beat red. But a small smile was cracking, and he began to wipe away the tears. "Baby!" he screamed as he wrapped me into one of his bear hugs. "I thought I'd lost you forever." His voice cracked on the last word, and more tears came. The last thing I remember was I wrapped my arms around him, and I didn't want to ever let go.
I woke up. I was crying, but for a totally different reason than the other dream. I love this boy more than anything in the world. I'm pretty sure that he'd be sad if he lost me, whether if I leave him, or I…die. I'm not saying my relationship with Austin wasn't a good one, because for a while there, it really was good. We just sort of…fell apart, and a few things happened. But I'm happy now, and I hope he is too.
I hope I get to sort of witness this in real life, not just my dreams. And I hope that this time, God is trying to tell me that it may be difficult sometimes, but Kevin is the right guy for me.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 9:41 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I'm Pretty Much Excited.
Tomorrow, the X-Files movie comes out to theatres, and my best friend, Cassie, is planning to get a few people together to go see it in Southlake. And I'm invited. She said we could get to Southlake at around 6:30, and walk around and shop and stuff, and then I will probably be home at around 10:00. She's really gotten me back into this show. I used to watch it when I was younger, but I lost interest after a while. But as much as she talks about it, I've begun to watch it again.
Here are a few *in theaters:
-High School Musical 3 (!!!!)
-Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (!!!!)
-Twilight (!!!!)
Especially because ... um, well ... just see for yourself:
-Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter!!!)
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Vacation and More.
My week:
Sunday: I got home from Colorado. This trip was fun, to say the least, but I missed my boy sooooo bad! No reception is the worst thing ever when you're two states away from the one you love. Anyway, the weather was amazing; we woke up freezing every morning! We just had a bit of a problem with the water...it stunk. Bad. But I was so happy to be home. Kevin came by to see me, and he showed off his BRAND NEW 2008 White Nissan Sentra. We talked outside for a while, and he finally went home at 11:30. He wasn't supposed to stay too late. Lol. Oops.
Monday: Back to work! I had the longest day possible, but Kevin came by to see me towards the end of it, and we left when the shop closed at 5:00, and went to Southlake. We saw Hancock (good movie, by the way!) and went to Wal-Mart for a little bit. I bought Veet. Lol.
Tuesday: I don't remember doing anything this day. Lol. Just work!
Wednesday: I didn't have to go to work...nobody woke me up. Mom went to work for the day, and Dad and I went out to NCTC together to get me signed up to take the THEA, and to sit down with a counselor to talk about future classes and everything. I gave the lady at the front desk my high school transcripts...and guess what? Umm...I'm exempt from taking the writing and reading parts of the THEA because my TAKS scores were so high!!!! Eeeeeeeeeee! Okay so Dad and I left and went to Panchos for lunch (and then I had heartburn for the rest of the day. Lol. We went back to the shop to talk to Mom, and then went back home.
Thursday: Um, I went to work a little late, because my mom let me sleep in again. She and Dad were going to go shopping around Southlake together and so I got ready to go to work so she could go ahead and leave with Dad. I pretty much just studied out of the THEA practice book we bought at the school book store at NCTC the day before. Kevin got off of work at around 4:00, and he came to pick me up at the house at around 7:00 with his mom. She had just gotten back from a trip to SCOTLAND! and she and Kevin came to the backyard -- where I was with my parents -- and gave me a shirt that she had bought me in SCOTLAND. It's cute. It's black and has sequins on it that says SCOTLAND! :] We went to his Grandparents' house for about an hour and then Kevin and I went back to the house and had a, um, long talk. But not too long, because I had to be home by 10:00, so he drove me home. But then I realized that I forgot my phone at his house...and I started to freak out because me without my cell phone? Horrible dilemma.
Friday: I woke up and got ready for work. I told Dad about my missing cell phone, so he took me to Kevin's house before we had to be at work so I could pick it up. Kevin had work at 10:15 that morning, and we got there at 9:45. So I rang the doorbell, and there's his dad and Chris answering the door. His dad was on the phone, and he gave me this big smile when he saw me... He gestured for me to come in the house, so I smiled and walked past him, bolting up the stairs to Kevin's room. Mmm...Kevin was still asleep. Lol. So I walked over to him, all cuddled up in his blankets so cute, and gave him a light kiss on the lips. Um, yeah. That woke him up, and gave him a good start as well. He said he loved waking up to me :] He thought that we were spending the whole day together, but he had work, and so did I :[ I talked with him for a few more minutes, and then his dad yelled, "Is your dad outside, Lindsay? I think I'll go talk to him," up the stairs. So I kissed Kevin good-bye, and bolted back down the stairs to, um, save my dad. I got into the car and we left. My dad kept making noises every few minutes and saying, "I'm still shocked he came outside to see me!" Hahaha.Cassie came over to spend the night at 6:00 :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] My parents had gone to go out to eat and go shopping, so we had the house to ourselves for a few hours. We watched some of a movie she brought over, called Adventures in Babysitting, and it was really, really funny. I made grilled turkey and cheese sandwiches for supper! We stopped the movie about halfway through because we got on a talking rampage, and then we went outside and talked some more before it got too dark. By that time, my parents were home, so we went back inside, and finished the movie.After the movie, we went down the hall, and just chatted for a while. We didn't fall asleep until 2:00 this morning because of all of the caffeine we had. Lol.Today, we watched John Tucker Must Die, High School Musical, and the last our of Harry Potter & OOTP. We went in my room at 4:00 so she could get ready to go home, but her mom didn't get here until around 5:00, maybe later, so we just talked...and talked and talked...and took pictures!!
So that was my week!!!
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 28, 2008
You're The Reason.
So sorry I haven't written in a while…I've been super busy, and am just now getting around to it.
So here's what my week had entailed:
Sunday: Kevin got off of his lunch shift and came by my house to pick me up so we could spend the day together, since I'd been gone to North Carolina the week before, and he missed me. All at once now: "Awwwwwe." Okay. We went to his house, Wal-Mart, and then ate supper at Chili's…of course. And my best friend from 6th grade (Miss Ashley Page) works there now, so I talked to her a lot, and got to see her for the first time in a few years. My parents had told me to be home at 9:00 that night, but I didn't get home until…10:30? Yeah so I got in trouble for that one.
Monday: My parents left to go to my grandmother's birthday party, but I didn't go. Instead, Ashley and I had our Girls' Night Out :]]]] I felt pretty bad about skipping out on the party…but I get to see her on Saturday anyway… But Ashley picked me up at my house at 6:00, and we went to Chili's to eat. Yes, yes. AGAIN. We went to Southlake Town Square and went to Claire's. I bought a few things (an anklet for my mom and the finishing up of a birthday present) but Ashley went CRAZY with the clearance stuff. It was funny. Afterwards, we went to Harkins and we saw The Strangers. Yeah. SO not scary at all. More like Dumbest Movie Ever To Be Made In The History Of Movies. We were in this itty bitty theater with maybe 20 other people, and when a part happened in a movie where it was supposed to be scary, but turned out more awkward than anything…everybody just started giggling, or yelling out remarks to the screen. It was hilarious. After the movie, we drove home, and by that time, it was 10:30…but I'd told my parents that's what time I'd be home that night…so we were good. On the way home, we turned up the radio, and jammed to Evanescense and Lifehouse. We sang at the top of our lungs. Ohhh I missed that girl!! I can't wait to see her again :]
Tuesday: I had Jeremy and Courtney over for a double-date with Kevin and I. There was a misunderstanding of where Jeremy lived, so I couldn't go over to his house. :] Thanks, Kev. So they came over and we all ate as soon as Kevin got to the house at 7:30. We went swimming afterwards, and just talked for a long time until it got dark. We played the bean-bag game that's so popular with my family, and then we went inside the house and played a game of Wii Bowling. We talked for a little bit longer, and then Courtney and Jeremy just…left. It was kind of abrupt and, well, random. But whatever. I had a fun time with them anyway. Kevin and I sat on the couch after they left, and the day finally caught up to me; I was SO TIRED just sitting there. Kevin had work the next morning, so he needed to get home soon. He promised we'd see each other again before I leave on Saturday for Colorado. So he left not long after that, our goodbye lasting a wonderful hour and a half.
Wednesday and Thursday: I had a doctor's appointment these days, and I was scared half to death that they'd have to draw 14 tubes of blood. But to my surprise, it was just a consultation; the doctor just wanted to talk to see how I was doing, and what we needed to do to get me to feel better. He told me that since my medication isn't working, it may not be acid reflux after all, and something completely different. So I was scheduled for the next day to come back for another appointment. I couldn't eat or drink anything after midnight on Thursday, and my appointment wasn't until 1:00. So I about DIED. Thursday morning, I couldn't take a pill, I couldn't eat breakfast, or lunch, and it was miserable. My parents didn't wake me up in time to go to work, so I slept in until 10:00 and got ready to go to The School Zone. When we arrived, Dad and I left to go to the doctor, but the nurse couldn't see me until 1:30…so Dad and I watched The Tyra Banks Show until she called me back. I got an ultrasound on my stomach (to check my gallbladder, spleen, and kidney, I think) and it took about 20 minutes for the whole thing. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep about 50 times, her massaging my stomach like that for so long. Except that she told me to hold my breath, so that would wake me up. When we were finished, Dad and I left and we went to Chick-Fil-A so I could eat finally! We both got something to eat, and then Mom wanted something as well. We took the food back to the store and ate in the back room. After we were finished eating, Mom took me home and I rested for a little bit, just reading and talking to people online. I was so exhausted from stressing out, I guess. And Kevin was there for me through everything, telling me everything would be okay, and my results would come back normal, and they couldn't find anything wrong with me. So it was good for him to be positive, at least.
Friday: Today was my parents' 22-year anniversary, so they dropped me off at The School Zone this morning, and left to go shopping and eat lunch. I stayed at the store, all alone for a few hours. They finally came back at around 1:00, but then left again to go to Cabela's. They came back by 2:15, and I called Kevin to see what he was up to. No joke, he'd just turned on his phone. So basically, we're made for each other. Lol. Kevin and I were supposed to go to Grapevine Mills and meet up with his dad and brothers, so Kevin picked me up at 2:30 and we went back to his house to meet up with everyone, but nobody was at the house! So we left, and went to Mills anyway, but never met up with anybody. We walked around the mall a few times, going into different places, buying a few things here and there. And then we went to Chili's Too for supper (I paid) and now I have major heartburn. Kevin was amazing today, just never wanting to let go of my hand, and if he absolutely had to let go, he'd put his arm around me as soon as he could. He kept his promise that I'd get to see him again. On the way home, he let me jam out to country music, and we sang together :] We also did the chicken dance "to the wrong song." Oh, I love this boy :] I just wish I got to have a longer goodbye with him than the two seconds I got.After Kevin left, my parents and I went to my Uncle Dave's house to eat…I ate mashed potatoes and that's all. We got home at around 9:30, and got finished packing for tomorrow.
I'm sure there's more things that I did this week, I just can't remember them right now. If I do remember them, I will post more on this blog when I get back from Colorado, which is where I'm going tomorrow morning at 5:00. :-/ ugh. We'll be back on Saturday, July 5th, so I'll see you/talk to you then.
In the meantime, leave comments, and I'll get back to you when I get back :]
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 4:49 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Just a Dream
I had a dream about you.
I dreamed that you were talking to me
and that we were laughing together.
I dreamed that you told me secrets.
Secrets that you could only tell me.
Last night I woke up crying.
Crying because I know that's what we used to have.
It's what I wish we still were.
And what I know we'll never be again.
This morning, I realized something.
I realized it was just a dream.
I realized that it's been a few months now,
and I'm finally getting over you.
I'm finally getting over crying so much.
I hope that your life turns out exactly how you want it to be.
I hope you're happy.
Happy without me.
But most of all,
I hope you'll miss me one dayas much as I missed you.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Behind The Scenes
I stayed up mostly all night thinking about this:
Somehow, staying by myself on vacation in an unfamiliar place sort of makes me creative. Plus, maybe it has something to do with all of the books I'm reading lately. In any sense, I'm pretty sure I've come up with a second (maybe even third) chapter for my book "Behind the Scenes" since I can't find the ones I wrote a long time ago.
The story line is like this:
The main character lost her husband years ago, and the first chapter was a dream she had that she finds out to be very real. She starts to investigate herself, being a former detective.
At the beginning, when she's dreaming, she is in a tent in the woods camping- this being a ritual for her and her husband on their anniversary. And since it's her 21st anniversary, and he passed away, she decided to continue on with it. In her dream she's having, a man walks into the tent and threatens her. She wakes up, screaming bloody murder, and realizes it's the guy who was chasing the girl at the beginning.
But it's taken a year for her to realize it. Every time the police ask her why she was in the woods alone (they still accuse her of killing the young woman) she cannot remember, and has had to stay in prison for the past year. But now she's finally starting to remember everything. She's forgotten because she doesn't really want to think about why she was in the woods alone...without her husband.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
I Don't Have to Think.
Last night was double-date night. Well, sort of.
Courtney and I had planned to go out, eat at The Great Wall by Chili's, watch Don't Mess With The Zohan, and walk around Wal-Mart. But then I got a text message from her saying that Jeremy didn't get paid until 7:30 last night, and she was out shopping with her mom, so she couldn't meet up with us to eat.
So Kevin and I left from The School Zone at 5:00 and went to The Great Wall by ourselves. As always, it was delicious. I paid for supper, and Kevin got red sauce on the white part of his green-and-white striped shirt. No shocker there. We had to go back to his house so he could change because I wanted to go to Wal-Mart and he was too embarrassed to go anywhere else with a big red spot on his shirt.
We went ALL the way back to his house and he changed shirts, and then we just hung out there for a while. And then we went ALL the way back to Wal-Mart so I could get a Father's Day card for my dad.We also got a snack for the movie (Toblerone-I've never tried this, but Meg Cabot mentions in a few times in some of her books, so I knew what it was. And it was delicious!)
We drove out to the theater and got there by 7:30. We bought our tickets and sat through the previews. Courtney and I were texting back and forth because they weren't there yet, and she asked us to wave so she could see us in the theater. And no joke, they got there right as the movie was starting.
My Opinion: Don't Mess With the Zohan was the STUPIDEST movie ever. Sorry. Throughout the movie, Courtney and I kept exchanging looks like, "What the crap is this?"
After the movie, we went outside and stood around Kevin's car. We talked for about 30 minutes. We made fun of each other and just laughed about everything. And I'll say it again: I swear Kevin and Jeremy were separated at birth. No lie.
On the drive home, Kevin let me choose the radio station we listened to. It was so sweet. He hasn't done that since our two-year anniversary 2 months ago. So that right there pretty much made my day so much better. We listened to country-of course- and then a little bit to 106.1 and I sang along to "Bleeding Love" by Leona Lewis. And then we pulled up to my house.
I was sad that the evening was over.Despite our argument the other day, I enjoy our time together.
I love him<3
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Perfect Day...Almost.
So I had a good day today. My mom woke me up by sending me a text message ... at 12:20. She and Dad had gone to Target, Cotton Patch, and Kohl's. They got home at around 1:00, and they started showing me everything that they bought. They bought Kevin a shirt that has a guitar on it and says "America" and bought me a matching shirt with a guitar that says "Girls Rock" and a bag that has the Eiffel Tower on it and says "Paris" It's SO CUTE.
So later I went over to Kevin's, and gave him his shirt. He loved it, and put it on immediately. We laid on his bed and chatted for a while, and we worked on our scrapbook that we are making together from the past two years and then on into the future. Both of our stomachs started to grumble, so we got up and went to Chili's. We both got fajitas, and then we got a white chocolate molten cake. It was pretty dang good. And my new favorite thing? Blackberry lemonade. YUM.
We went back to his house, and went upstairs. We fell asleep together, and my dad called me at around 9:00, telling me to get home, and asked where I was. When I told him I had fallen asleep, he told me that he'd see me soon. So Kevin asked his mom for the keys to her car, since he still can't drive his car at night, on account of the busted headlight, and she drove me home herself, with Kevin tagging along.
Kevin walked me to the front door, gave me a kiss, looked me deeply in my eyes, and told me how very sorry he was for his behavior earlier in the day. Which made my day even better. I don't know; it was cute. I was all happy and smiling...
Then I got yelled at by my dad :-/
Comment me?
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Girls' Night!
Last night was the best night I've had in a long time. It was an okay day at work, but it went by pretty fast. Cassie and I had made plans for me to come over to her house and spend the night. I was SO EXCITED, since I hadn't had a sleepover in so long.
I got off of work at 5:00, and I got home and packed, and then took a shower. We decided on scary movies for the night, so I picked out a few movies of my own, including The Blair Witch Project, Identity, and Copycat. She came over and picked me up at around 6:00. I was SO JEALOUS because she actually got to drive over here. She told me not to make fun of how close up to the wheel she had to be, though, and pulled herself up about two inches away from the wheel.
We walked in to her house, and I finally got to meet her puppy, Scully. She's the cutest thing ever, and she kept following me EVERYWHERE. We made some coffee so we could stay up a little later than normal, and later ate Chicken Express for supper. For the rest of the night, I had heartburn!!! We went upstairs to her room, and watched The Princess Diaries, When a Stranger Calls, and Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead. We talked ALL NIGHT about EVERYTHING. God, I missed that girl! We needed so badly to catch up, it wasn't even funny. It was so great to spend time with her.
We fell asleep during the last movie, and I kept waking up while the movie was still going. It freaked me out! I didn't know where the voices were coming from!
We woke up the next morning at around 10:00. Well, okay. She did. I woke up at 9:30, and I talked to Kevin through text messaging until she woke up. He was at a meeting at Chili's, so I'm not sure he was really supposed to be talking to me...
But anyway, Cassie and I talked for about an hour, and then we went downstairs to find something to eat. We decided on a slim fast, and watched Sydney White with Scully. Both of her parents were gone, and her brother, Jake, finally walked downstairs at around 11:00? We talked to him for a while, and when the movie ended, we got dressed and ready to go. She had a family get-together to go to around 2:00, so I had to go home early.
Dad drove us both to my house, but before we left, we took a few pictures, and then some in the car.
I LOVE my girl, and I can't wait to see her again! I had a blast!
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Strawberry or Vanilla?
Yesterday was mine and Kevin's 25-month anniversary! YAY.
He called me around 1:00, and told me he was ready to go when I was. I was watching a movie with my dad (Shanghai Noon) and eating lunch, so I told Kevin to hold off for a while. As I got finished with my Grilled Chicken Wrap from Sonic, I sent Kevin a text message telling him I was ready to go. He didn't respond, so I called him, and when he didn't pick up his phone, I sent him another text message that said, "Kev?" He finally called me back and apologized for not picking up his phone, but that his grandpa was at his house, having just dropped off Chris from school, since he had an early release day.
But, a few minutes later, Kevin walked in the door of The School Zone. Dad paused the movie, and I peeked around the corner, and told him to come into the back room. Dad showed Kevin one of his card tricks, and Kevin showed him one of his that he had done for our History class two years ago. But he kind of forgot how it worked...so he messed up, but it worked in the end.
Finally, we left, and went to Panda Express since Kevin was starving. I just watched him eat his orange chicken (his obsession) and we chatted at the big kid's table. When he was finished, we went straight to Southlake, and walked around Barnes and Noble for about an hour. I found about a million books that I want. Okay, like, five. But whatever. And so did he.
We wanted to go see the new Chronicles of Narnia movie, and it was showing at 3:50, so we left Barnes and Noble at around 3:20. We got to the theater, and I got some Raisennettes and he got some Dark Chocolate (because it's better that way) Cookie Dough stuff and a drink. We got to the showing, and guys, it was an AMAZING movie. I LOVED it.
Afterwards, we went over to Wal-Mart, and I bought a scrapbook, because I gave him one for Valentine's Day, but it turned out kind of...crappy...so I want a new one. Kevin wants a new Wii since he had to sell his for money a few months ago, so we started to look at them. And, of course, there was one available. I didn't let him get it though. But we talked to the lady that works there...and it was kind of...wow Wal-Mart people. He talked to a few people about Wii games and his GameStop knowledge kind of switched on.
We went back to his house, since the old scrapbook was over there, and I started to put the pictures into the new one, while he played WOW with his buddies. We stayed over there for ... longer than I told my dad I would. Lol. We stopped at Sonic so Kevin could get something to eat (a chili cheese dog...ewww) and I got a chocolate shake. And then we went back to my house. It was about 9:40 when we got there, and I called and asked my dad if Kevin could come in for a while. He said Kevin could stay until 10:30, so we got our stuff and went inside. We worked on the scrapbook until it was 10:35. As we were working, my mom walked in the kitchen and made this gagging noise because we were being cute.
I walked him out to his car so we could say goodbye, and we stayed out there until 11:00, just talking. Then, as it always happens, my neighbors pulled into their driveway, and then the guy just stood outside by his garage, staring at us. It was SO WEIRD. I think he finally went back inside, and Kevin and I had a good chat about a few things.
He went home and played WOW probably until 3:00 this morning. And he's probably not awake yet. Yeah. It's 2:30. I know.
Anyway, comment me.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 2:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Miss Me When I'm Gone.
I got invited to go on a camping trip with Courtney and her family this past weekend.
She came by The School Zone on Thursday at around 1:45 to pick me up, and we went to Albertsons to pick up a few last-minute things for the trip. Like chips and cookies and stuff. But she forgot her list, and called her mom, and her mom got really mad that she forgot it. So she had to rush home to get the list and read it to Courtney so she could get home on time. We ran through the store picking up this and that, and then we left.
We went back to Courtney's house, and we ran upstairs. She showed me her newly redone bedroom. Oh my God, I'm JEALOUS! It's so GOREOUS! She painted the top half of her walls this creamy white color, and she exchanged her two twin beds for one full size bed. Her comforter is this white satiny material, and she has matching black pillows. She decorated her half of the room in a Paris theme, and I wanted to steal all of her decorations!!
Then Mom got home, and we left to go to her dad's work, so we could take the RV and the boat to the campsite at Possum Kingdom Lake. We put all of our bags in the RV, and then we were off!
We arrived at around 5:00, and got settled in and then we ate a delicious supper of brisket. Courtney and I went walking and then went to the swings that were at the park. Well, okay, it wasn't much of a park. Just a huge thing of sand with three swings. But whatever. We started to swing, and we talked about our boys for an hour or so, and then this little girl came up with her mom to swing with us. She started to swing, and then she talked about…some inappropriate stuff…so Courtney and I left. I hope MY five-year-old doesn't learn to talk like that! JEEZ.
So we went back to the RV and watched a movie, and then I fell asleep. The next morning, Courtney was doing dishes after our breakfast of biscuits, bacon, and eggs. She sliced her finger on a humongous knife, and couldn't get her finger wet for the rest of the trip. It was pretty gross listening to her talk about her fat sticking out of the cut on her finger.
Courtney's dad bought this HUGE float to fit 8 or more people in it, and you put in the water and blow it up and sit in it. It's SO COOL. So Courtney and I just sat in there and hung out with her Mom for a while, and then we went back in to get dressed and we went out to eat at a Mexican Restaurant with one of their friends. It was pretty dang good, not gonna lie. We went to Wal-Mart, and then we went grocery shopping, and Courtney and I stayed in the car because I was "bugging her dad" by following him around. Ha ha ha. When we got back in the car, we jammed to Evanescence the whole way back. Ha, we suck at singing.
We got back home, and Dad made bratwursts for supper—I didn't eat any because they make my stomach hurt—and then the rest of the crew got there. Courtney's brother, Zach, his roommate, Kelsey, Zach's other friend, Nick, and his girlfriend, Amy. They all slept in a huge tent that we had put up that day.
We sat outside until about 1:00 in the morning, and then Courtney and I went inside to watch a movie, and everybody else didn't come in until about 2:30. It was hell! We fell asleep, and then we were woken up by their dog, Angie, every morning at around 6:00. IT SUCKED!! She would come up to you, and touch her nose to your face or lick you, and then walk around or scratch herself, and it would shake the whole RV!
The next day, we went out on the boat all day. It was a freaking BLAST. We watched everybody else go tubing and wakeboarding, and I took a million pictures. (I'll post them soon—promise!) We came back to the RV and ate sandwiches for lunch, and then went out to this place called Hell's Gate. It's this place where a lot of boaters go and get together and just sit around and enjoy the weather and each other's company…and drink beer, apparently. It was mostly fun just to people-watch, but I got a stomach ache, and got too over-heated, so I stayed in the boat where it was shady and just ate chips and listened to the radio. We finally left and went back to the RV. I got SOOO sunburned!! My legs hurt SO BAD. We ate supper, had a few oreos, and watched movies for the rest of the night.
The next day, we went out on the boat for a little bit and we watched everybody else wakeboard and stuff again, and then we went back and made sandwiches, and they left for Hell's Gate again. But Courtney and I stayed in the RV all day. We watched Edward Scissorhands, Dodgeball, and Old School. Everybody FINALLY got back at around 5:30, and I was super happy I didn't go…they were gone for 5 and a half hours!!! No thank you!
But Courtney and I talked for a long time, and then they hooked up their camera to the television and we watched a slideshow of all of the pictures from the days before. Everybody went back outside to sleep in their tent, and I got on the couch and wanted to sleep because I didn't feel too good. Courtney put in a movie (Now and Then) and the color was green and weird, and made my head hurt. So I just fell asleep soon after that. She left me in there by myself for some reason, and went outside to visit with everybody else.
Yesterday was the last day there. We started to pack up, and then ate breakfast. Zach and his friends left a few hours before we did, and we said our goodbyes to them. We ate lunch, and finished packing up and then we left a little bit before 2:00. We got to Courtney's house at around 4:30, and she dropped me off at the high school parking lot, where we met my dad halfway.
I got home and I ran and laid on my bed for forever. I was SO HAPPY to be home!!! My parents had had a Memorial Day party with the family, and Paul and Denna and the kids were still there when I got home. So I said hello to them, and then hopped in the shower. MY SHOWER!! It's funny the things you take for granted everyday! When I got out, I noticed I had missed a call from Kevin, so I called him back, and he goes, "What are you doing?" And I told him I had just gotten out of the shower, and he went, "Really? Well…can you let me in?" I totally didn't get what he meant, but to my surprise, he was at my front door when I went to go open it!!
We all ate supper together and watched the original Indiana Jones. We watched more than half of it, but the kids were getting sleepy, so my dad let them take the movie with them to watch later, and they went home.
Kevin stayed until 10:00, and we went outside for a while. We sat by the pool and talked and played with Maggie, and then we sat in the chairs by the pool because Kevin's back was hurting. It started to get dark outside, and Kevin suggested we go lay down on the hammock together and look at the stars. We laid there for a good hour and picked out all of the constellations we know (The Big Dipper, and The Little Dipper. Lol). And we talked about our Junior Year of high school, and how we met, and just a lot of things, until my dad came outside to tell him to go home at around 10.
It was just so romantic, and really sweet of him to stop by because he missed me. I love my boy.
And I had a pretty good weekend with Courtney. I needed a vacation. More than you know.
Comment me :]
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 10:44 AM 0 comments
You Can't Do This.
i remember everything.
i remember the good things.
i remember the bad.
you were my best friend.
we laughed and gossiped.
we had a million inside jokes.
you walked all over me
and decided not to care anymore.
what happened to you?
what happened to us?
why choose her?
why not me?
i'll always remember you
as you were before.
i can't help it.
i miss you so much.
no matter how much you piss me off.
i hope we meet again.
i hope we can begin again someday.
but until then, goodbye.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 10:31 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
Impossible To Find.
So tonight Kevin came over to my house. I just got home from my trip to PK lake with Courtney today, and I hung out with the family for a little bit. Since today is Memorial Day, my parents had a little get-together with everyone (Paul, Denna, Dave, Betty-Sue, Russell, Ashley, Sis, Jeremy...and some other people) and they just swam and had brisket and stuff to eat.
So I stayed outside for about three seconds, showing Paul and Denna (them being the only ones still here) my horrible sunburn on my legs. I went inside and took a shower, and right after, pretty much, Kevin called me. He asked me if I could open the door for him. I didn't get it at first, but I walked to the front door, and he was standing there, a big smile slowly spreading across his face. Oh, how I missed that smile.
I brought him inside the house, my dad thinking that I was talking to myself, or the door perhaps.
He said hi to everyone, and my dad wanted to watch the original Indiana Jones, since everyone was staying for supper. We had left-over brisket for supper, and watched a little more than half of the movie. Ashley started to yawn and whine that she was sleepy, so they decided to go home to put the kids to bed, and take the movie for them to watch later.
It was about 9:00, so it wasn't time for Kevin to go home yet. We went outside to chat, it not being totally dark yet.
My mom asked him when he was going to go home, me having work the next day, and he told her whenever Dad decided to kick him out. Kevin had gotten in a fight with his mom, and was not caring too much that he had a car with a busted headlight that he could receive a ticket for.
First, we sat down on the ground by the pool and talked to Maggie, and then Kevin's back started to hurt him, so we walked over to the table and chairs. As we talked, the night grew darker, and Kevin got up and started walking. For a brief second, I really thought that he was going inside so he could go home.
What he did instead really surprised me, and sent butterflies through my stomach. He walked over to our hammock that's on the ground, facing the pool, laid down, and patted the empty space beside him, gesturing for me to lay down with him. I obeyed, and he engulfed me in his arms, squeezing me tight, kissing my forehead. We laid there for what seemed like hours, although it could've only been 15 minutes. We pointed up at the sky, picking out the only constellations we knew (The Big Dipper and The Little Dipper...Lol) and we talked about our past two years together. About how we met, and how he never thought he'd be on that hammock with me, how he thought it was all in his head, and he'd never be good enough for me.
Somehow, we got on the subject of being drunk, and he asked me if I thought that he'd ever been drunk during the time that I've known him.
I considered it for a moment, then said that I thought maybe over the phone, but never in person.
He said, on the contrary, he had. He said that when we first started talking, maybe the second day that we had known each other, he had been drunk at school. I laughed and asked him if that's why he thought I was so pretty, because he was drunk. And he reminded me, he thought I was pretty before he met me, and he wasn't drunk then.
I asked him when, and he said, "YOU know about Harry Potter Puppet Pals too??!" And the thing is...that was one of the things he ever said to me. So it was kind of funny.
Anyway, the evening ended sadly when my dad finally came outside at 10:00 and told Kevin to go home. Kevin and I stood outside for a long time before he left. We stood in front of his car, just talking, not caring that the neighbors had peering eyes.
I had a wonderful time with him tonight.
It was amazing just how thoughtful he was. I want more of tonight. It was absolutely perfect.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
You Probably Don't Know.
You probably don't know:
-How much I miss you.
-That I can't really make my own decisions. Seriously. If somebody asks me what I want for lunch if we're out, I can't answer. Because what if the other person isn't in the mood for what I am?
-I don't like to make other people mad. So I let them choose.
-I hate it when somebody is upset with me.
-I have to make other people feel better before I make myself feel better.
-I spray my pillow with his cologne every night before I go to sleep.
-I sometimes sleep in his shirt when I get the chills.
-How much I hate fighting like this.
-That I wish I could help you, but you won't let me.
-That I cry when I get frustrated or angry. And then I get angrier when I let you see me cry, so I cry more.
-I'm a little unsure about my future, and that makes me mad. Because it's not very sexy for a girl to be unsure.
-I love to write in my journal, but sometimes my hand gets too tired to, so I play solitaire instead.
-I check my e-mail everyday, hoping to hear from you.
-I HATE it when people spell my name wrong.
-I miss high school memories, but I'm ready and excited about my future.
-I'm more responsible than you think.
-Driving only scares me if I'm in the car with my dad.
But most of all, I bet you don't know that I love you so much.I love you more than anything. I say it all the time, but I'm sorry.You probably don't know the whole story. You probably won't listen to me, even if I tried to tell you.I wish you knew. I wish you'd listen. I wish you'd understand that I didn't mean to hurt you.I wish you'd let me do things. I wish I didn't have to choose.Because I do it for you.I do it for us. You probably don't know that.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 1:51 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Today, I'm not feeling very well. I don't know. Maybe I've just stressed myself out so much, I just need to chill.Which is EXACTLY what I'll be doing next week!!!
On Wednesday, I have a hair appointment with Valerie next door (at the salon). I wanted to get my hair dyed, and I found a photo online that I fell in love with. I showed it to her, and she said that she could do it, since my hair isn't that dark to begin with. But after she talked to her friend (who also works there), she's going to give me all-over highlights instead; dying it would make me have horrible roots in a few months.So, whatever. On Thursday, Courtney is coming to pick me up at the shop at around 3:00. I was invited to go with her and her family to Possum Kingdom lake for the weekend!!! We're leaving on Thursday, and not coming home until Monday! She says that we're taking an RV, and we're going to go boating, and stuff.Oh man, I NEED a vacation! And I'm SOOOO excited about it, too!!
Don't worry; I'll take a million and four pictures, and post them when I get back on Monday!
In other news, my parents left me to "go eat lunch" about an hour and a half ago. I got a call from Mom a few minutes ago, saying she wanted to go to Southlake, and was going to take Dad with her. So now I'm stuck here alone...And I was the nice one that got up this morning and went to work on a Saturday!!!
Anyway, Kevin has been sick for a few days now. We tried to make plans for yesterday, but he had a relapse, and we had a misunderstanding of when lunch time is. But he needs to get better soon. I have to see him before I leave on Thursday.
So, leave me comments :]
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 1:49 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Behind Your Lips.
This morning, I woke up in high hopes. I don't know why, but I woke up at 7:45, and I was in a really good mood. I've been having some wacko dreams for the past few nights, and I remember them pretty vividly. I found a shirt in the back of my drawer that I haven't worn in over a year, and I put it on. It makes me look like I have abs...No lie.Dad and I went to Wal-Mart again this morning, and I got some more yogurt and chocolate chip cookies. YUM. We walked through electronics, and I found about 23435 movies that I want.As we got to the store, Dad started telling me everything he had to to for the day. Like, grocery shopping, taking my car out to Dallas to the dealership since the 'check engine' light came on AGAIN, go get my new contacts since I can't stand more than three minutes with the other ones, and go to the bank.
But then we got to the store, and Dad showed me how to fill out checks for when you get a bill in. I'm not sure why...but whatever. I got in a little yelling fight with him about something else, and my morning kind of went down hill. I called Kevin a little bit before 11:00, since that's when he had to go to work. I told him good morning, and that I hoped he had a great day. And the thing that made my day a little better was that he was quiet for a minute, and then he went, "You know. I think that you calling me is going to make my day so much better than it would've been." And I don't know. It was just so sweet.
But everything between Dad and I is okay now.
I wanted to get my hair dyed today...I want to go BLONDE. And the lady next door (we work by a salon) said that she would do it for me. She just doesn't think I would look good as a blonde, or my hair wouldn't go that light. But I don't think I can do it today, because my dad just left.
So I'm stuck here for the next three and a half hours!Ugggghhhh.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 2:19 PM 0 comments