Okay so basically, this is going to be a HUGE rant about things that I'm upset about. So bear with me for a few minutes. If you're not interested, wait a few days, I'll have a new blog :]
So number one:
I'm upset about last night's episode of American Idol. From the very beginning, my mom and I liked Michael Sarver. You know, the guy with the "fifth most dangerous job in the world"? Okay, so he was this good guy with this country accent (sort of) and loved country music. I liked him. No, he wasn't the best singer, but he wasn't the worst either. I'm not going to say who I think should've gone home last night. *CoughMeganJoyCough* I mean, this person is possibly the cutest person ever. But let me just say that they better go home next week.
Number two:
I'm upset that Kyle XY isn't going to have anymore shows. Nope, they just had the SERIES finale a couple of weeks ago. I LOVE this show. It had an actual story; an actual point. It had good actors that were easy to relate to and easy to fall in love with. (Not to mention Matt Dallas is a hottie.) The story got deeper and better each season, and by the end, I could relate to the pain, the tears, and the happiness. I wanted certain things to happen. And the series finale? Sucked. Really, what kind of show is so cruel to have the world's cutest couple on it, break them up, make the audience think they were going to get back together, and then leave you hanging on THE LAST EPISODE EVER? How rude! And it only had THREE seasons!! How dumb is that?
Anyway, I guess that's all I'm upset about.
Except for the fact that I can barely see out of my left eye, due to allergies.
And that I can't breathe out of my nose, also due to allergies.
But other than that, gee, I love spring!
Anywho, I'll be back later :]
About Me

- Lindsay Laird
- Texas, United States
- I'm 22 years young. I have a boyfriend; his name is Kevin Mears. We've been together for five years, and counting. I have two best friends; their names are Cassie and Courtney. I work at Teach Mart in Keller. I'm going to North Central Texas College, and I want to transfer to UNT afterwards. I'm a complete nerd, and I love Harry Potter and the Twilight series. I own every book by Meg Cabot; she's my inspiration, and my hero. I want to be an author when I "grow up."
Friday, March 27, 2009
I'm Upset.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 2:03 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Possibly the Longest Day EVER.
This morning, my dad woke me up at 9:20. I guess I slept through my alarm :-/
I woke up, got ready to go, scanned the pantry for our new Banana Nut Cheerios that my mom bought yesterday, and after figuring out that she must have taken the box to school with her, I settled on a cup of coffee.
It's been possibly the longest day ever. I mean, it's not even 3:30 yet, and I get off at 6:00. Which is in over two hours :[
I spent some time with Courtney on Sunday; we went to Southlake at around 3:00. We went to Charming Charlie's- I bought a pair of reading glasses and a pair of sunglasses. I think I'm going to take both of them back next weekend. I guess maybe I was having a blonde moment when I bought them. I can't fully see through the reading glasses and the sunglasses are cute and all, but they have the little prescription lenses in them that they so cleverly covered up with stickers. So I didn't know the sunglasses had those in there until AFTER I took off the stickers when I got them home.
Anyway, then we went to Victoria's Secret. I finally got to spend half of my gift card that I got for Christmas. They were having a "7 for $25" sale on panties. Hello!
We walked through other stores like Delia's, then we went to Starbucks and got some drinks. We sat down and people watched and took pictures :D
She got a call, and decided to drop me off at home at around 6:00.
I had fun with her :]
Oh yeah! She works at Hastings in Stephenville, so she bought me Twilight, and I paid her back when she gave it to me. I watched it twice yesterday (once with my dad at work, then with my mom when we got home.)
Then I'm probably going to Kevin's tonight, and he told me to bring the movie. So I'm excited to watch it again!!
Anyway, I thought this would pass the time a little better.
I mean, I have a history paper to write that's over HITLER. Hooray. Not.
Then, I have an english paper to write that's over exile in previous readings.
The history paper is due in a few weeks, so I'm working on the english paper for now.
But it's STILL not 3:30 yet.
I'll be back soon!
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Jaws Marathon!
Yesterday was a boring day. I woke up too early and tried (and failed) to take a nap. Between the dog barking next door and the construction going on outside our house, I couldn't win.
I finally went down the hall and ate lunch with my mom (it was 1:00, after all) and we watched TV and talked. After a while, I decided that I better get some studying done for my history test that's, um, on Monday. I plopped down by the kitchen counter and opened up my boring, humongous history book. I stared at it for a while and my head started to hurt. My dad got home at around 4:30, so I went in my room to continue working on my history review. I made some progress as now I am on page four of the review, as opposed to page two. Yeah, there's ten pages... Anyway, I signed onto AIM, and Cassie started talking to me. We told each other about our days, then she mentioned that she was bored. I conquered, saying I was bored as well.
She then asked if I would like to come over for a few hours.
I lept out of bed and ran down the hall to ask my parents. They said it was okay, and Cassie was on her way to pick me up.
We lounged around at her house, and watched the end of the first Jaws movie. Cassie started to talk about wanting to have a Jaws marathon and asked how long I could stay over...which turned in to, "Why don't you just spend the night?" She took me home and I asked my parents if I could, because I had to work today. My dad agreed to just pick me up this morning and take me out to The School Zone before 10:00. So I packed a bag to stay over at Cassie's, and once we got over to her house, we watched Jaws 3-D (which is the third Jaws) and Jaws: The Revenge (the fourth Jaws.) The second Jaws movie wasn't playing on the movie channel, so we didn't watch that. It was quite entertaining; Cassie's mom had her laptop propped up and kept looking up fun facts on the internet about the Jaws movies (which possibly all got the worst ratings of all eternity.) In Jaws: The Revenge, Cassie just fast-forwarded to all the "good parts" ... meaning, the parts where someone died by being eaten by the shark.
We finally made it up the stairs at around 1:30, carrying a dead-asleep pug. She slept with us (Cassie's pug, Scully) the whole night. Well, she slept with me, and she snored, and she kicked, and she cuddled, and she licked, and she coughed, and she walked around the bed. Given, she's still a puppy, and still really little...just not as little as she thinks she is. And not as quiet as she thinks she is, apparently.
Anyway, I'm at the shop now, and I've arleady had one customer! Woo-hoo! I definitely need more customers...
Tonight, Cassie's church is having a get-together with all of the church members (and friends). It's called Pulse, and it's at 7:00-9:00 tonight. I'm hoping I can go; Kevin wants to go too, and said we could go together. I'm excited!
Anyway, as I didn't finish the history review yesterday, I need to get to work on that.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 10:38 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
Definitely, Maybe
Kevin went to the doctor yesterday and was given a prescription for a simple anti-inflamatory. The doctor told him that if he's not 80 percent better in two weeks' time, then he should go back to to see the doctor. Um, I'm sorry...80 percent? What happened to 100 percent?
Anyway, I'm really worried about Kevin. He just seems to be hurting all the time, and I hate to see him in pain.
He came over last night after we had an argument that we seem to be having a lot. He's out of a job right now, so I'm the only one that has any money to go around. Last night, I wanted to go to Grapevine Mills Mall, and he said he didn't have enough gas to get there and back to my house, since it's about a 30-minute drive. I offered to pay for gas, but as the argument always goes, he feels as if he is the man, and needs to pay for all things. Yeah. Okay.
He did, though, have enough gas to come to my house. We (my parents, Kevin, and I) ate supper, and then my parents went outside. The other day, my parents and I went to Lowe's, then to Home Depot, then back to Lowe's, and bought a swing for outside. It's called a Hammock/Swing, and it lays down- it's pretty dang cool. Long story short, we put it in our back yard, and for the past few nights, they've wanted to go out there and lay down.
While I was flipping through the channels on the television, I remembered that I had some movies recorded; I had taped Definitely, Maybe a couple of months ago, and told Kevin this. He agreed to watch it with me, but only because it had some guy humor in it, too. Plus, we saw it together on Valentine's Day last year. So it's one of our favorite movies.
All in all, it was a great night. He left a little after 10:00, which was probably for the best because I was so tired, and had taken a Benadryl for my allergies an hour before.
Today's just been a lazy day, honestly. I mean, I woke up at 9:30, my dad went to work, I ate breakfast, and then I took a nap. I've decided to join the club and opened my windows last night to let the cool breeze come through. And I heard EVERYTHING last night and today while I was trying to sleep; dogs, trains, cars driving by at 3a.m. Good times, good times.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Crazy Days.
Today was...strange.
Last night, I stayed up late. I just HAD to watch the episode of Secret Life of the American Teenager. Which, sadly, I am obsessed with. I finally fell asleep around 11:00.
My alarm went off at 8:00 this morning, and I swear I pushed the snooze button. I rolled over, and apparently, I fell back asleep because I was woken up by my phone ringing. It was my boyfriend, and when I asked him what time it was, he said it was 9:30. CRAP! I mean, The School Zone opens at 10:00am! There was absolutely NO way for me to get ready in 15 minutes. Because honestly, it takes about 15 minutes to get to the shop. So I talked to Kevin, then stretched and yawned and rolled out of bed. My mom was in her room reading a book, so I hugged her neck and told her good morning.
I went in the kitchen and had some chocolate pop tarts. Yum! I called Dad and asked him why I didn't have to work today, and he said that he didn't need me. I mean, after all, it IS Spring Break, and teachers simply do not care to buy school stuff while on vacation.
Kevin had said that he needed to get to school (he doesn't have Spring Break this week), and school started at 10:00 this morning. So he was on his way. Or so I thought. I was chewing my last bite of pop tart and getting seriously intrigued with Monday night's episode of Kyle XY (which I have also become obsessed with. And yeah, I'm SO upset that it was the last episode ever. But that's a different story.), and I heard three taps. I didn't know where the noise came from, and my dog, Maggie, was sitting by the front door. Once there was a noise, she got up and started to wag her tail. Mom had left the front door open, but not the screen door. Come to find out, Kevin was standing on my front porch at 10:00 this morning, tapping on the screen door.
Which was so sweet, and all. But I mean, I was in my pajama shorts with my hair in a pony tail and no makeup on. Don't get me wrong, I completely loved the fact that he wanted to surprise me, so he lied about having school this morning. Just for me. *sniff*
Okay, so it really didn't matter that I wasn't 100% presentable; I loved seeing him that early this morning. Because honestly, that's early for him. :D
He left because he needed to make a doctor's appointment - something's wrong with his shoulders :( - so he left me in my pajamas after watching Kyle XY with me.
Mom is doing a project out in the yard (garden-wise), so we went out to Home Depot to get bricks to go around the gardening beds and plant soil for the flowers. Then we came home, and I made grilled cheeses for the two of us. While eating lunch, we watched Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Which is, yeah, the most amazing show ever. :D
I got a call from Kevin at around 3:00, and he asked if I wanted to tag along with the family for a St. Patrick's Day get-together at his Grandma Jones' house. I said yes, pulled on my green shirt (for fear of getting pinched by those from Scotland), and waited patiently for Kevin to arrive at my house. When the family got to my house, his brother, Kyle, was driving, his mom was in the passenger seat, so Kevin and I were stuck in the back seat....with Janelle, the family dog.
We got to Grandma Jones' house at around 3:45, and we just visited with the family. We played Wii and played with the new dog, Stewart (Or maybe it's Stuart. Who knows?) -- who is, by the way, the cutest little thing I've ever seen; he can fit in the palm of my hand! -- Come to find out, they didn't even know that the "kids" were coming. They planned on making corn beef and cabbage for supper, and Kevin, Kyle, and I turned up our noses at that. We all left with Ann, Kevin's mom, to go find something else to eat. Kyle left us because he had company coming over, so the three of us (Kevin, Ann, and I) went out to Chili's for supper. We thought we were going back over to Grandma's house, but for some reason, decided not to. :(
We went back to their house, Ann watched American Idol (I wanted to wait, as it is mine and my mom's show), and Kevin and I watched Heroes. We finally finished the second season!! Yay!! Now I can't wait for the third season to come out on DVD so I can catch up! It was a lot of fun just sitting with Kevin. Spending time with him is fun :D
I told my dad I would be home at 10:30, so we left a little after 10:00 so I wouldn't be late. We walked outside, and the sky was as clear as it could be. One of the things we do is look up at the sky at nighttime to see how the pretty the stars are. I wanted him to be cute and walk out the door and just stand there with me to stare at the night sky. But no, he kept walking to his car, his head down, and his car keys in his hand. He got all the way to his car before he realized that I was still standing by the door, looking up at the sky. He told me to come over by him, so I sighed, and walked to the car. He was standing behind his car, by the trunk, and motioned for me to go over by him. So I did, and he picked me up (which probably wasn't good for his shoulders) and placed me on the trunk of his car. He held me there, and we gazed up at the stars for a few silent minutes. Then he picked me back up (still! Shoulders! Ow!) and placed me on the ground, and he drove me home.
I didn't get home until just a few minutes ago, and I'm not really tired.
It was interesting night, that's for sure.
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 10:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Happy Crying.
Coming this April will be our three year anniversary. I am SO excited about this, I can’t even begin to explain how excited I am.
And I mean, it may be completely lame because, well, I’m twenty years old, and I want to celebrate the day that he asked me to be his girlfriend. But maybe lame is my style.
I’ve come to the point where I’m so overwhelmed with love, it’s not even funny. I’ve never felt this way about another person in my life. Sure, I’ve had boyfriends in the past, and no offense to any of them, but it’s just not the same as it is with Kevin. And of course we have our bad days in our relationship, but the good days are beginning to outnumber the bad ones.
I’m beginning to be lovey-dovey with him all over again. Kind of like how he was when we first started dating, and it scared me away from him. I smile every time I see him and every time his name comes up on my cell phone. It is exactly like high school all over again. I get butterflies in my stomach when he smiles. I try my hardest not to be a complete dork around him. I dress up for him; I color my hair for him. In other words…I’m falling for him all over again.
He doesn’t even have to be in the same room, or even in the same town, and I get that goofy feeling in the pit of my stomach that was supposed to fade away two years ago. Maybe that feeling will never go away now since it hasn’t gone away yet.
I think of him all the time, and the things I think about make me smile to myself. Some things make me laugh out loud. Some things make me cry—but it’s a good cry! It’s a cry that means, “I miss the old times and I’ll never forget them. But I’m excited to make new memories that I can miss one day.” If that makes any sense at all.
I’m just so afraid that I will be so overly dramatic and too much into the lovey-dovey stuff that one day he’ll look at me and say, “Whoa. Back up,” and walk out of my life forever. I mean, I’m always afraid of that day when he realizes that he can have so much better than me. I’ve always been told that I deserve the best because I’m a Laird. That’s what I grew up with; that I AM the best. But I don’t feel like I am, or that I’m giving Kevin everything I can possibly give him to make him happy. Because that’s important to me: seeing him smile and knowing that it was me that put that smile on his face.I never knew that someone could love me THIS much. I never knew that I could be THIS important to someone. And I never knew that someone would stick around with me for this long, possibly forever. I’m beginning to thank my lucky stars that I have him in my life and that we’ve learned to love through the hard days.
Anyway, I’m going to bed now :]
Posted by Lindsay Laird at 9:44 PM 1 comments