About Me

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Texas, United States
I'm 22 years young. I have a boyfriend; his name is Kevin Mears. We've been together for five years, and counting. I have two best friends; their names are Cassie and Courtney. I work at Teach Mart in Keller. I'm going to North Central Texas College, and I want to transfer to UNT afterwards. I'm a complete nerd, and I love Harry Potter and the Twilight series. I own every book by Meg Cabot; she's my inspiration, and my hero. I want to be an author when I "grow up."

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Jaws Marathon!

Yesterday was a boring day. I woke up too early and tried (and failed) to take a nap. Between the dog barking next door and the construction going on outside our house, I couldn't win.

I finally went down the hall and ate lunch with my mom (it was 1:00, after all) and we watched TV and talked. After a while, I decided that I better get some studying done for my history test that's, um, on Monday. I plopped down by the kitchen counter and opened up my boring, humongous history book. I stared at it for a while and my head started to hurt. My dad got home at around 4:30, so I went in my room to continue working on my history review. I made some progress as now I am on page four of the review, as opposed to page two. Yeah, there's ten pages... Anyway, I signed onto AIM, and Cassie started talking to me. We told each other about our days, then she mentioned that she was bored. I conquered, saying I was bored as well.

She then asked if I would like to come over for a few hours.
I lept out of bed and ran down the hall to ask my parents. They said it was okay, and Cassie was on her way to pick me up.
We lounged around at her house, and watched the end of the first Jaws movie. Cassie started to talk about wanting to have a Jaws marathon and asked how long I could stay over...which turned in to, "Why don't you just spend the night?" She took me home and I asked my parents if I could, because I had to work today. My dad agreed to just pick me up this morning and take me out to The School Zone before 10:00. So I packed a bag to stay over at Cassie's, and once we got over to her house, we watched Jaws 3-D (which is the third Jaws) and Jaws: The Revenge (the fourth Jaws.) The second Jaws movie wasn't playing on the movie channel, so we didn't watch that. It was quite entertaining; Cassie's mom had her laptop propped up and kept looking up fun facts on the internet about the Jaws movies (which possibly all got the worst ratings of all eternity.) In Jaws: The Revenge, Cassie just fast-forwarded to all the "good parts" ... meaning, the parts where someone died by being eaten by the shark.

We finally made it up the stairs at around 1:30, carrying a dead-asleep pug. She slept with us (Cassie's pug, Scully) the whole night. Well, she slept with me, and she snored, and she kicked, and she cuddled, and she licked, and she coughed, and she walked around the bed. Given, she's still a puppy, and still really little...just not as little as she thinks she is. And not as quiet as she thinks she is, apparently.

Anyway, I'm at the shop now, and I've arleady had one customer! Woo-hoo! I definitely need more customers...

Tonight, Cassie's church is having a get-together with all of the church members (and friends). It's called Pulse, and it's at 7:00-9:00 tonight. I'm hoping I can go; Kevin wants to go too, and said we could go together. I'm excited!

Anyway, as I didn't finish the history review yesterday, I need to get to work on that.
